Lunges: top 7 exercise options

Lunges are one of the most effective leg exercises. They help develop and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, giving your legs a beautiful shape. In this article we will tell you about the technique of correctly performing lunges and present the top 7 variations of this exercise.

Lunge technique:

  1. Stand up straight, place your feet parallel to each other at a short distance from each other, approximately slightly wider than your hips.
  2. Bend your back slightly at the waist and bend your knees slightly.
  3. Take a long step forward with one leg, keeping your torso level.
  4. When performing a step, the center of gravity should be on the forward leg.
  5. Squat down on your front leg so that the angle between your thigh and shin is straight and your bent knee is level with your foot. The knee should not touch the floor, but only be a few centimeters above it.
  6. Rise up from the squat and come back, stepping back to the starting position with your front foot.
  7. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

The muscles worked when performing lunges correctly include the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core.

Now let's look at the top 7 lunge options:

  1. Traditional Lunges: The simplest version of lunges is lunges without additional weights, using only your body weight. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

  2. Reverse Lunges with Dumbbells: This lunge variation makes the exercise more challenging. The step is performed backwards rather than forwards, and you can still hold dumbbells in your hands. It is recommended to use dumbbells weighing between 2.5 and 7 kg, depending on your physical fitness.

  3. Barbell/Bar Lunge: In this lunge variation, you hold a barbell on your shoulders. The barbell allows you to use more weight than dumbbells and requires more stability. This is a great way to increase the intensity of your workout.

  4. Walking Lunges: This is a dynamic lunge variation that helps sculpt your legs. You can choose two execution options: either after each lunge, place your supporting foot on your working leg, or do a series of lunges in one direction, and then turn around and perform a series in the opposite direction.

  5. Side Lunges: This exercise targets the lateral muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Stand in a wide stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a wide step to the side with one leg while squatting on that leg. The knee should be bent at a right angle, while the other leg remains straight. Rise up from the squat and repeat the exercise on the other leg. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

  6. Knee Raising Lunges: This lunge variation focuses on the front of the thigh and glutes. Perform lunges by lifting your front leg and bending your knee at the top of the movement. Then lower your leg and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

  7. Jumping Lunges: This is a dynamic exercise that helps develop leg strength and endurance. Lunge wide forward with one leg, then push off the floor and jump, changing the position of your legs. Land in a lunge position on your other leg and repeat the movement. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Remember, it is recommended to consult a doctor or trainer before starting any physical activity, especially if you have any health problems or injuries. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts and listen to your body to avoid possible injury.