Every woman, without exception, dreams of having a perfect figure: slender and beautiful legs, toned hips and a flat tummy. It has long been no secret that the basis of female sexuality consists of attractive waist lines and a seductive abdominal area. For the sake of all this, women go to fight excess weight, they are ready to fight stress and laziness. Abdominal slimming massage can eliminate excess weight.
The female body is constantly undergoing various changes. Often these changes are associated with hormonal levels. This could be pregnancy, puberty, menstrual breaks, etc. This suggests that we are constantly at risk of gaining extra pounds in the abdominal area.
Today, there are a huge number of techniques that help burn the hated fats. Abdominal massage for weight loss takes a worthy place among all procedures.
The procedure is truly miraculous. Among all the many advantages, we can highlight: ease of performing techniques, painlessness, pleasant sensations and effective results. This procedure will remove all wrinkles in 10 sessions, making the skin soft, silky and elastic.
The techniques performed have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The procedure tones the skin and stimulates problem areas. It can easily be done at home, avoiding expensive visits to spas. The maximum effect will definitely be achieved.
![Abdominal slimming massage Abdominal slimming massage](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-dlya-pohudeniya-ukelm.webp)
Accumulated fat deposits will disappear
Execution technique
The first step is to prepare the skin of the abdomen and warm it up thoroughly. Skin and hands should be clean. You can prepare the skin by dry rubbing and stroking. To do this, you can use a special brush with soft bristles or a massage mitten. All movements should be directed clockwise and last no more than 5 minutes.
Watch for slight redness on the skin. But, don't overdo it. Rubbing too vigorously can damage the skin. In addition, these dry rubbings help eliminate the “orange peel” and are an excellent preventative against cellulite.
Now your skin is ready for further action. Hands should be well warmed up. To carry out the procedure, you must have a massage cream or oil so that the movements are easy and the skin is not damaged. All rubbing should be done towards the heart.
The whole procedure is quite simple and has a very positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Massage movements activate metabolism, thereby causing fat folds to break down before your eyes. But this will only happen if your movements and sessions are systematic and regular.
Today, the following weight loss procedures are very popular:
- Pinch
- Water
- Canning
- Honey
- Manual
Now let’s take a closer look at each implementation method.
Pinch massage is considered the main method of weight loss procedures. But, it can also be used as a preparatory step for other weight loss techniques.
The main goal of this technique is to thoroughly knead fat deposits, stretch the abdominal muscles, eliminate all unevenness, smooth out the skin, and prevent the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks and congestive formations. After the first procedure, your skin will have a more toned, soft and silky appearance.
In addition to all this, with the help of a pinch massage you can get rid of toxins accumulated in the body, which in turn negatively affect the condition of the skin.
How to do a pinch massage
- Starting position – lying on your back, relax.
- Take the cream or oil and apply it to your stomach using gentle circular movements.
- Then, with your fingers, grab the folds on your stomach and begin to finger them (pinching), moving clockwise.
- With each new circle, your movements should be more intense and energetic. At the end of the procedure, the skin should be red.
- Afterwards, take a terry towel and rub your stomach in a circle.
For the first session, 10-15 minutes will be enough. With each subsequent time, you can increase the time of the procedure. With these simple movements you can easily get rid of belly fat.
![Abdominal slimming massage Abdominal slimming massage](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-dlya-pohudeniya-lMcNckj.webp)
Abdominal pinching massage is perfect as a basis for other massage techniques.
Water massage for weight loss also has a fairly simple technique, just like the previous one. To do this, you will need a regular shower and some of our useful recommendations.
By performing this technique, you will get elastic, smooth skin. With its help, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is also normalized.
How to do water massage of the abdomen
- Turn on the water and set the water a little cool for you.
- Direct the water jets to your stomach and start moving clockwise.
- Change the water temperature and pressure from time to time.
During the first sessions, it is allowed to change the water temperature by a few degrees. 10 minutes a day is enough to achieve effective results. This massage is also very good at getting rid of cellulite. It is also good to use for general strengthening purposes. It is important to remember that it cannot be used during pregnancy.
Vacuum abdominal massage is performed using silicone jars. These silicone jars can be purchased at any pharmacy. This technique is considered one of the most effective weight loss techniques.
How to massage the abdomen with cupping
- Starting position – lying on your back.
- Clean the surface of the abdomen with lotion.
- Then, apply cream or massage oil with light massage movements.
- Afterwards, secure the jars to the skin so that there is approximately 1.5 cm of skin inside the jar. Then you need to carefully move the jar in a zigzag direction. Massage in the heart area is strictly prohibited.
- After the procedure, cover your stomach with a terry towel and lie in this position for 15 minutes.
If you suffer from vascular diseases, it is best to avoid this massage.
![Abdominal slimming massage Abdominal slimming massage](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-dlya-pohudeniya-GwMHGbe.webp)
Monitor the force of the can
The honey massage technique for weight loss is very effective. It is best to use natural honey for this.
A correctly performed procedure will remove accumulated toxins and waste from the body, help you achieve the desired shape, and give your skin a radiant, toned appearance.
How to do:
- Take 2 teaspoons of natural honey, add a few drops of essential oil (bergamot, grapefruit, tangerine, tea tree) and mix everything thoroughly.
- Then, apply honey to your stomach using patting movements.
- Perform patting movements in the abdominal area for 15 minutes. Over time, honey will turn into a viscous, gray mass.
- For greater effectiveness, you should alternate patting movements with rubbing.
- Afterwards, take a warm shower.
This procedure should be performed in 10-15 sessions, alternating every other day.
Manual massage is best performed before physical activity: exercise, gymnastics, fitness, etc. This procedure will perfectly prepare the body for the upcoming loads, and you, in turn, will achieve the best results.
Some people prefer to use various vibrating massagers. But it is worth remembering that their use can lead to the irreversible consequences that doctors talk about, and in particular, it can lead to prolapse of the uterus.
Manual massage can be performed using a massage glove and towel.
How to do:
- Using moderate, smooth movements, we first perform vertical rubbing of the abdomen, then horizontal ones.
- The movements should not be too soft, but they should not be too intense either. Watch the intensity, you should not feel pain or discomfort.
- Manual massage should be performed for 15 minutes. And then you should start physical activity.
The procedure will be fully effective only if you follow all the recommendations and perform sessions regularly. Abdominal massage for weight loss, reviews of which are positive, will lead you to the desired result.
![Massage for losing weight in the abdomen: effective weight loss techniques (English)](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-dlya-pohudeniya-ukelm.webp)