Massage for cellulite at home

With the growing interest in fitness and a healthy lifestyle in general, the problem of cellulite is receiving greater attention. Every day, the treatment of “dimples” on the hips and abdomen began to be studied in more detail and thoroughly. One of the best ways to get rid of the hated enemy of all women - cellulite is anti-cellulite massage at home.

Anti-cellulite massage at home

Almost every girl has encountered a problem called cellulite.

Women are more susceptible to the appearance of cellulite than men. It usually occurs in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, and legs. But don’t be upset - we will tell you how important massage for cellulite at home is, what effect can be achieved by systematically performing massage, and about its healing properties.

What results can be achieved

The main goal of anti-cellulite massage is to stimulate blood microcirculation in the affected areas of the body. That is why the first thing is to improve capillary blood supply.

An important factor is the improvement of metabolism between cells and intercellular fluid. Anti-cellulite massage significantly improves this process, which leads to intensive cell renewal and nutrition. The process of removing metabolic products from the intercellular space will also begin to work much faster, eliminating stagnation in tissues.

Photo anti-cellulite massage

Lymph circulation is restored

Lymph circulation is a very important process. By performing a massage, the circulation process will very quickly begin to be stimulated, which will lead to getting rid of the hated “tubercles and dimples” on the affected areas of the body. Your skin will gain impeccable smoothness and elasticity.

Excess fluid adds extra pounds to us. Anti-cellulite massage helps remove excess fluid from the body. The swelling that has prevented you from leading a normal life for many years will also disappear.

In addition, massage helps remove toxins from the body and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous and hormonal glands. This helps get rid of cellulite, improve immunity and improve the general condition of the body as a whole.

Not everyone can use this procedure. Read the contraindications for use carefully to avoid negative consequences.

  1. Poor blood clotting.
  2. Presence of open bleeding on the body.
  3. The presence of inflammatory and pustular processes on the body.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Individual intolerance of the body to some components used to carry out the procedure (massage oils, creams)
  6. Heart failure.

Rules and techniques of anti-cellulite massage

Before you begin the procedure at home, be sure to familiarize yourself with the important rules and basic techniques that must be performed correctly.

Anti-cellulite massage technique

Before you start, you need to warm up your whole body

All movements of anti-cellulite massage at home must be performed in a light rhythm, gradually increasing the intensity of movements. Start with a slower massage, gradually increasing the pace.

Before starting the procedure itself, it is necessary to warm up the entire body so that the muscles are completely relaxed. Pay special attention to your hands: they should not be cold or wet. You can apply talc to your hands only if you do not use other massage products.

It is necessary to do the procedure at home at least once a week if you want to achieve the desired result. The duration of one procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Body massage at home must begin from the bottom up, towards the heart.

You need to know that the groin area, the inner thighs around the pubis and the popliteal cavity cannot be massaged, no matter how light your actions.

You should treat the abdominal area very delicately. The skin in this area is very delicate; massage here should be carried out with gentle, light stroking movements.

Five basic techniques with which the entire procedure is performed.


Any massage always begins with this technique. It is performed quite simply: with light movements, perform soft strokes with your fingertips. With this technique you can significantly improve blood circulation in the capillaries. Strokes can be straight or circular.


We perform strokes with light movements


The technique is slightly similar to the previous one. The difference is that in this technique the fingers are spread wide and are quite close to the skin. If you perform rubbing on your legs, you need to do it from the bottom up, if on your hips - in a circular motion.

This technique will significantly increase skin tone, remove excess fluid from the body and reduce subcutaneous fat. Rubbing can be distributed in two ways:

  1. in the first case, the fingers are widely spaced and fit tightly to the skin,
  2. in the second, the ankle must be completely clasped, slowly rising to the base of the thigh, pressing the fingers tightly.


Rubbing is performed with more intense movements


Pressure can be performed in two ways:

  1. in the first case, the skin is pulled back and released
  2. in the second, they grab as much of the skin as possible and begin to knead it like dough.

The effort should not be too intense or strong. With this technique you can get rid of cellulite and tone the tissues.


Using the pressure technique, we tone the skin


This technique will relax the skin after intense exposure. It is performed quite simply: you tap your fingers over the entire surface of the body, alternating intensity.


Patting will soothe and prepare the skin for the next stage

  1. Grips

This technique should be given special attention. It is even distinguished from the general technique: the above four techniques refer to superficial effects, and grips refer to deeper ones. The effect of this technique is very strong, and the method of application is quite simple - you need to grab a certain area of ​​​​the skin with grasping movements, and then quickly release it. That's all the technology. Just 10 minutes a day is enough - your skin condition will improve significantly.


The grips work on the deeper layers of the skin

Anti-cellulite manual massage will undoubtedly improve the overall condition of the skin. Let's look at massage techniques for different areas.

Anti-cellulite abdominal massage

As you know, the skin in the abdominal area is quite delicate. To massage this area, clench your hand into a fist and move your knuckles from bottom to top with little effort. Do this until the skin turns red. To soothe the skin, lightly stroke with both palms in a clockwise direction.

Anti-cellulite massage of legs, thighs and buttocks

To perform the procedure, you need to put your fingers together and, with little effort, perform circular movements over the entire surface. Foot massage includes:

  1. trituration
  2. kneading
  3. tingling

Massage of the thighs and buttocks is performed with intense circular rubbing.

Massage for the inner thighs and inner arms

Performing a massage for these areas is quite delicate and gentle. You need to grab the skin between your thumb and the rest. Proceed to smooth the skin from bottom to top. Don't grab the skin too tightly. Bruising may occur.

Only regular procedures can show the result you want to achieve in the end. Don’t be lazy, perform all movements efficiently and correctly. Only in this case will you get rid of cellulite and sagging skin.