Products that slow down facial skin aging

Daily online magazine about fashion, beauty and health

We all want to maintain youthful skin for as long as possible without resorting to expensive beauty salon services and without buying an endless number of anti-aging masks and creams. To look like 35 at 50, you need to monitor your diet and include foods in your diet that prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of healthy vitamins. The fatty acids in the composition not only slow down aging and promote cell regeneration and renewal, but also improve heart function. Pumpkin seeds are especially useful for people with problem skin, as they replenish the lack of zinc in the body, which results in acne. Taking a small handful of seeds a day can significantly improve your health and appearance.

Fatty fish

Salmon, salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and improve the health of skin, hair and nails. Zinc promotes the production of collagen, the lack of which leads to premature aging, and selenium is responsible for healthy shine and smoothness of hair. It is recommended to eat fish in any form three times a week.


The main active component of orange, grapefruit, lime and lemon is vitamin C. It slows down the aging process of cells, maintains skin firmness and elasticity, and also strengthens the immune system, so it is especially relevant in the winter season. But don’t forget about citrus fruits in the summer: sunbathing lovers often lack this particular vitamin in their bodies.

Orange and green vegetables

Carrots, pumpkin, spinach, onions, parsley, red peppers and tomatoes - the list of foods that prolong youth is huge. The vitamin A and beta-carotene in these vegetables prevent dry skin and premature wrinkles by maintaining proper moisture levels. Particular attention should be paid to them in the summer: beta-carotene promotes the production of melanin and helps to get a beautiful and even tan.


Almonds, walnuts and cashews contain vitamin E, which maintains the skin's moisture balance, thereby making it elastic. The iron and zinc content ensures the supply of oxygen to cells and prevents skin aging. Eating a small handful of nuts regularly will keep your skin smooth and glowing.

Smooth skin is the dream of every woman. But in order to at least slightly delay the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging, it is not enough to buy a miracle cream.


There are many more very simple ways that will allow you to look younger than your age.

A low-calorie diet, even for non-obese people, can lead to changes in metabolism, improved health and increased life expectancy.

To maintain skin elasticity, vitamin B complex (found in beef, chicken, eggs, whole wheat, enriched flour, milk and other products), vitamins A and C (found in fresh fruits and vegetables) are important.

Nutritionists believe that the best foods for healthy skin are green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.

For the results to be stable, it is not enough to go on a low-calorie diet from time to time. This way of eating should become a system for you.

In addition, if you eat low-calorie foods, there is a chance not only to slow down aging, but also to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.


Apply eye gels and anti-wrinkle products. They fill the skin with moisture, which is included in the composition of creams in liposomes and other special forms. This prevents the formation of wrinkles and skin aging.

Please note that none of the commercially available moisturizing creams and lotions can completely reverse the aging process. You can only slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Moisturizing lotions will help smooth out even the smallest wrinkles. First you need to wet your skin with water, pat it dry with a towel, and then apply a moisturizer - then its effect will be more active.


  1. 3. Use cosmetics correctly

Properly applied makeup helps hide wrinkles.

Good makeup artists and make-up artists can help you look several years younger.

Take a few lessons from a professional makeup artist, and then do your own makeup at the highest level yourself.

Sometimes attempts to hide wrinkles with makeup lead to the fact that the cosmetics only emphasize them.

This occurs from rubbing in heavy foundation or applying makeup that has cream or oil as a base. They harden between wrinkles and collect in the folds of the skin.

Use only those products that have powder (grain starch) as a base. Wrinkles, of course, will not be smoothed out, but they will become less noticeable.

In addition, this makeup looks transparent and more natural. And, importantly, it is easier to apply carefully.


  1. 4. Protect your skin from the sun

The thinning ozone layer around the Earth allows more of the sun's harmful rays to reach vulnerable skin. The skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear faster.

Before going to the beach, try to use skin care products with a high protection factor (for the face - at least SPF 20, and for the body - at least 15 SPF).

To slow down the appearance of crow's feet in the corners of your eyes, wear sunglasses with a good degree of protection.

Scientists have proven that food can protect your skin from sun exposure. Just forty grams of tomatoes and olive oil per day triples the skin's resistance to radiation.

The study authors emphasize that tomatoes provide a background protective effect.

Therefore, eat tomatoes with olive oil, apply cream, wear glasses, don’t chase a bronze tan and be proud of your wrinkle-free face.


First of all, facial wrinkles appear, the origin of which is psychological.

If you are constantly tense or excited, facial muscle spasms occur. Elastic fibers stretch more than they should, and this tires out their extensibility.

In addition, the stress hormone adrenaline constricts blood vessels, and this especially affects the thin capillaries of the skin surface. In case of prolonged stress, the skin does not receive enough nutrition and oxygen.

The second stress hormone, cortisone, stops the process of cell division.

If you cannot avoid stress, you should learn relaxation exercises.

For example, try meditating. This not only helps relieve stress, but also has a positive effect on your overall well-being.


Wrinkles can appear even while you sleep. They are formed at night from pressing the face into the pillow.

If you notice that your pillowcase is “imprinted” on your face in the morning, learn to sleep on your back, or in a position so that your face does not press on the pillow.

Some of the smallest lines on the face will disappear in just a few weeks.


  1. 7. Don't overdo your hygiene

Excessive washing can lead to dryness, which causes wrinkles.

Even the best shower gels and bubble baths dry out your skin if used more than twice a day.

Soap scum remaining on the skin can dry it out and accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging.

Spending more time rinsing than washing will ensure your skin doesn't lose moisture.

People who are physically fit have healthier, more elastic skin than those who do not exercise.

However, keep in mind that if you start exercising and then suddenly stop, wrinkles will appear very quickly as collagen levels decrease. Therefore, exercises must be done regularly.

Physical activity will affect not only the skin of the face, but also the skin of the whole body.


Using your fingertips, thumbs and palms of your hands, rub into every area of ​​your face and neck.

Massage will help increase skin stimulation and blood circulation.

This will also help smooth out the muscles of the face, whose symmetry is often disrupted by a stiff or tense expression.

Perform light patting movements. If you stretch the skin with your fingers, wrinkles will become more noticeable.

If you learn how to massage yourself and do it morning and evening, results will appear within a month.

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I wonder when humanity began to fear old age? Probably at the moment when our distant ancestor first realized that his life was not eternal. From then until today, we have been looking for a way to stop the years, to find the philosopher's stone, the elixir of eternal youth. And even though scientists are working hard in laboratories on a magical cure for all wrinkles and signs of aging, individual fragments of the “elixir” are already available to everyone. To ensure that your skin remains elastic and radiant even after ten years, you should introduce “youth products” from the list below into your diet today.

No, unfortunately, a universal diet for old age has not yet been invented. But it has already been established that some products can greatly help our body look and feel much younger. And these are not some overseas delicacies or dubious dietary supplements. Everyone can afford the products from this list in moderate quantities.

1. Chicken fillet (skinless)


Chicken meat (especially breast), as well as fish and legumes, is rich in protein. Our body is able to break down protein into amino acids, which, in turn, participate in the process of cell regeneration. Protein is also indispensable in the synthesis of collagen, the main “building material” of our skin. Over the years, the process of collagen synthesis slows down, and the skin loses its tone and begins to fade. So, if you want to “save face” for as long as possible, try to eat at least a small amount of protein-containing foods at each meal.

2. Garlic


Garlic is rich in antioxidant polyphenols. They protect the skin from free radicals that destroy collagen, which is so valuable for the skin. To get the most benefit from the herb, leave chopped garlic in contact with the air for 10-15 minutes before cooking or adding it to a dish.

3. Green tea


Did you know that excessive coffee consumption can cause the formation of wrinkles? All due to surges in stress hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine. So, dear coffee lovers, it’s time to think about switching to green tea. The caffeine content is also high, but the drink is rich in the aforementioned polyphenol antioxidants. Just try to skip a cup or two before 3 pm: drinking “strong green” later can cause problems falling asleep.

4. Water


The main component of the “elixir of youth” is truly accessible to everyone. Any dermatologist will tell you: avoiding dehydration is the first rule of health and freshness. After all, on dry skin, even the smallest wrinkles become more noticeable. When hydrobalance is normal, cells are filled with fluid, which makes it easier for them to accept and process other beneficial substances. And the membranes of skin cells retain elasticity. The result is firm and radiant skin.

5. Berries


Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are real champions among plants in terms of antioxidant content. Do you remember that antioxidants are our defenders in the fight against free radicals? The same ones that disrupt collagen synthesis and lead to skin aging, wrinkles and loss of tone. Why not add a glass of smoothie or fresh berries with natural yogurt to your daily diet?

6. Olive oil


It’s not for nothing that this product is so popular among cosmetologists and pharmacists, and most brands have entire series of cosmetics based on it. But it is even more effective to consume valuable oil in food. A mixture of fatty acids and oleic acid strengthens cell membranes and helps them retain fluid. Which provides the skin with softness and hydration. The oil is also rich in vitamin E and polyphenols. How can you be sure that you and your skin will receive all the above bonuses? Buy exclusively natural olive oil (labeled Extra Virgin) and do not forget to use it in your culinary experiments. A little expensive, but worth it.

7. Salmon and mackerel


Probably the richest item on our list. But rich also in the literal sense: it is difficult to find a better source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are so necessary for our heart to maintain muscle tone, for the brain to increase mental activity and for the skin for radiance and smoothness without wrinkles. Don’t be alarmed by the high cost: even 50-100 g of valuable fish per week will be enough.

8. Legumes


Studies by Australian scientists, in which “experimental subjects” from Sweden, Greece and Australia itself took part, have proven: with the same age limit, people whose diet is dominated by legumes, fish, vegetables and olive oil have much fewer wrinkles and age more slowly. A good reason to eat a dish based on beans, chickpeas or other beans at least once a week, right?

In general, any problem needs to be approached comprehensively. And when starting to fight wrinkles, don’t forget to first get rid of bad household habits that accelerate aging.

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