Extension, flexion of the hands with a barbell

A classic exercise that all top bodybuilding stars perform. Use barbell curl in your training, constantly changing your grip:

  1. pick-up,
  2. overhand.

.The first version of this exercise perfectly develops the muscle group of the flexors of the forearms, while the second version accordingly loads their extensor muscles.

Building a forearm wrist flexion with a barbell

...from the position:

...with the following shells:


with a barbell,


bent rod,

on an inclined bench


on Scott's bench

on the block

similar in effect to an expander.

For this exercise, try to use a very effective bodybuilding principle: “peak compression.” The number of approaches (as well as repetitions in each approach) should be significantly greater than in any other exercise - remember: we are working the “difficult muscles”. You should not choose heavy weights for this exercise. Here you need to act differently: with high frequency and intensity of training.

The forearms (as well as the lower leg) can only be “brought to mind” by constant, daily, shocking exposure. In view of all this, I will give you one personal, practical, proven advice: when spending your leisure time, for example, watching TV in the evening, do not let go of the expander for flexing and extending your forearms. I recommend!

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