A variety of products is also important!

Some types of products, as well as the chemicals they contain are assimilated in different ways, and people's reactions to these products may be allergic. This is especially true for products rich in preservatives and chemical additives. This is especially a problem in big cities and megalopolises. Not consuming them at all is simply impossible. But limiting or reducing their consumption to a minimum is quite possible.

Food variety – this can be said to prevent future allergic reactions. Don't get hung up on one particular product or drink, even if it suits you perfectly. The body also needs to rest from usual, sometimes he also needs diversity products.

Using milk as an example, this can be analyzed this way: stop drinking it during the break between training cycles, or at the beginning of a new training cycle. But then it’s still worth returning to drinking milk.

The same applies to all meals. Don't limit your breakfast to just oatmeal. Sometimes it is worth replacing it with buckwheat, semolina or rice. Alternate the side dishes you eat; there is no need to constantly eat potatoes. It can also be replaced with pasta, legumes, just bread or other starchy carbohydrates. There is also a huge variety of juices nowadays: try orange and pineapple, alternate them with grapefruit or apple, etc.

Well, and finally, one more good piece of advice: instead of eating preservatives and processed foods, try to eat everything natural, prepared with your own hands. For example, rather than buying a semi-finished cutlet or dumplings, buy a piece of good lean meat and make some tasty dish from it, such as shish kebab. It will be many times more useful, nutritious and healthier for you! Well, I think it’s no secret to anyone how to cook shish kebab. And, if you don’t know, then hundreds of culinary sites can help you. Take care of your health and live long!

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