Secrets of the Steam Room

There are thousands of recipes for making bath steam. Kvass steam and beer are very popular among people - you can smell the smell of freshly baked bread in them. To prepare a bath infusion, you can use various medicinal herbs, such as linden blossom, mint, chamomile, thyme, sweet clover, etc. An infusion made from fragrant teas, pine needles or birch leaves is also used. To brew steam, you can use tobacco and horseradish leaves.

The infusions are mixed in a basin and then poured in small portions onto hot stones using a ladle. You can place bunches of herbs on the shelves of the steam room - this will enhance the inhalation effect of the steam.

The use of various aromatic infusions during bath procedures has a beneficial effect on human health and mood. For example, people suffering from hypertension, chronic fatigue, and nervous system disorders feel good in a steam room with a pine spirit reigning in it.

To prevent colds, you can brew mustard steam: 1 teaspoon of mustard is diluted in 3 liters of hot water. You can prepare “delicious” steam not only with the help of herbal infusions or aromatic oils, just add a teaspoon of honey or instant coffee, a lump of sugar, a few (7-10) drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water (3 liters).

When using various ingredients for brewing steam, you should pay attention to how they affect the state of the person steaming. The action of some substances can cause nervous and emotional agitation, which is completely unacceptable. In such cases the substance should be replaced.


Using a broom in a bathhouse enhances the effect of steam on the body. Brushing with a broom warms up the body faster and has an effect on one or another area of ​​it.

Which broom should you choose? Most experienced steamers use a birch broom, which is durable, flexible and easy to use. At the same time, one should not forget about its medicinal properties. Research has shown that birch leaves contain vitamins C and A, tannins and essential oils.

To make a broom, it is best to use curly birch branches, since they are very well preserved, are flexible and thick, and, just as important, the leaves do not become slippery after exposure to steam.

In addition to birch, you can use an oak, eucalyptus or pine broom. The oak broom is very durable. Large, dense oak leaves generate steam without much effort while remaining fairly dry, making quilting easier.

Oak branches for a broom should be cut in August or September, then the broom will be especially effective and durable, it will last for 3-4 times. Oak leaves, like its bark, contain a considerable amount of tannins, which helps cope with some skin diseases or excessive sweating of the feet.

Eucalyptus branches are very thin and require extra effort when lashing. The eucalyptus broom should be cut at the end of summer, in August. It is best to add eucalyptus branches to birch or oak brooms, then bathing procedures will not require much effort from the steamer.

The leaves and branches of eucalyptus themselves are very beneficial for human health, as they have more than one medicinal property. First of all, eucalyptus contains antiseptic substances, and its oil is widely used in folk medicine as an analgesic.

The pine broom is very hard, so before starting the bath procedure it must be placed in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. People with very sensitive skin should not steam with a pine broom. The rest need to first lie in the steam room for 5-10 minutes, warm up the body properly, and only then start whipping with a pine broom.

To make a bath broom, you can also use branches of other trees, such as maple, walnut or ash. Among the old-timers, bath art is well known in