Solid foods keep teeth healthy

Study Confirms: Solid Foods Keep Teeth Healthy

As you know, teeth are an important part of our body. They perform not only the function of chewing food, but also help to pronounce sounds, smile and look attractive. Therefore, maintaining dental health is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also taking care of your health in general.

A recent study conducted at the "Evolution of Human Teeth and Jaws: Implications for Dentists and Orthodontists" conference in North Carolina (USA) showed that to maintain healthy teeth, it is necessary to eat as much solid food as possible. Experts recommend including dried meat in your diet and gnawing on bones.

Experts note that nowadays many consumers adhere to a soft diet, while our ancestors ate soft food very rarely. This leads to oral problems such as tooth decay, misaligned bites and crooked teeth.

Not having to chew tough foods has reduced the size of our jaws over time, scientists say. However, according to experts, roughage can help you lose weight and keep your teeth healthy, making them functional and not just decoration.

Additionally, there are certain foods that can help keep your teeth healthy and white. Here are the top 9 such products:

  1. Apples – They contain a lot of water and fiber, which help clean your teeth.

  2. Carrots – contain vitamin A, which is essential for dental health.

  3. Yogurt is rich in calcium, which helps strengthen teeth.

  4. Almonds contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for healthy teeth.

  5. Celery – helps clean teeth and massage gums.

  6. Chicken is rich in phosphorus and protein, essential for healthy teeth.

  7. Cheese contains calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary to strengthen teeth.

  8. Green tea – contains fluoride, which helps protect teeth from tooth decay.

  9. Onions – Contains antimicrobial agents that help kill bacteria in the mouth.

So, if you want to keep your teeth healthy, be sure to include solid foods and our top 9 foods in your diet. In addition, do not forget about regular visits to the dentist and proper dental care. Taking care of your dental health means taking care of your overall health, so watch your diet and habits to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful for many years to come.