Bar stand

The main task of the device is installing the bar at the desired height. The range of exercises that require a stand is simply huge: first of all, a variety of all kinds of squats (both classic and hack squats) and calf raises (with dumbbells or a barbell held on the chest or behind the head, on both legs simultaneously or on each one in turn, including hook calf raises), standing presses, biceps curls, deadlifts, all types of shrugs, chin rows and a very wide range of bodybuilding and fitness exercises...

Naturally, we cannot help but focus your inquisitive attention on how to create a barbell rack with your own hands from available, improvised materials at home... As a result, as usual, we present you with a detailed structural layout indicating all the dimensions of the main components of the units...

DIY barbell stand. Diagram with dimensions:

The barbell rack consists of two vertically adjustable stands (1) with grips for the barbell (2). The racks are connected to each other by a base equipped with a device (3) for storing disks, which simultaneously ensures the stability of the racks.

The optimal distance between the posts when working with a standard bar is 1200 millimeters.

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