
A sprain is damage to the ligaments of a joint. Most often, when sprained, individual fibers of the ligament are torn. In severe cases, a complete tear of the ligament or even a section of bone where the ligament attaches can be torn off.

Ankle sprains are the most common. They occur when the foot twists on uneven ground or falls on its side, when the foot cannot turn with the shin.

Signs of stretching:

  1. Sharp joint pain, lameness
  2. Swelling, bruising in the joint area
  3. Increased pain and lameness, sometimes the inability to step on the foot
  4. With a complete rupture of the ligament, severe swelling of the joint and extensive bruising

First aid:

  1. Tight bandaging of the injured joint
  2. Immobilization using improvised means
  3. See a doctor as, without treatment, even a mild sprain can lead to ligament weakness and re-injury.


  1. Maintaining muscle tone
  2. Taping joints during sports
  3. Special sports shoes and knee pads

With proper treatment, the sprain goes away without a trace.