Tips for proper nutrition from Hollywood actresses

Hollywood divas spend a lot of time and effort to be the standard of beauty and perfection for the world community. Probably only the lazy have not heard about celebrity diets, because by opening any magazine or turning on any TV channel, we will learn about the miracle secrets of celebrity slimness. Undoubtedly, in order to maintain youth and beauty, celebrities lead a lifestyle that is based on grueling workouts and strict dietary restrictions. But even they have their weaknesses and loopholes for their favorite dishes.

Katie Holmes

Despite her excellent figure, Katie’s favorite foods cannot be called dietary. The actress loves popcorn with sunflower butter, fried onion rings and lattes.

Jennifer Aniston

The actress loves spicy Mexican cuisine. Her favorite food is tortilla chips with cheese, tomatoes and sweet peppers, and her favorite drink is the Margarita cocktail.

Angelina Jolie

Angie extremely surprised everyone with her culinary preferences. The actress, it turns out, loves food from McDonald's, muesli and cereal.

Gwen Stefani

She prefers Japanese and Italian cuisine: the singer eats sushi and pasta with great pleasure.

Famous girls share with us the secret of how to afford your favorite dishes without adding extra centimeters to your waist.


Of what is on your plate, eat only 75%. This clever trick will help save you from extra calories.


Before going to a restaurant, have a light snack at home so you don't get overwhelmed by the varied menu selection.


If at the end of the celebration you still want to cap off the evening with dessert, do not eat the entire portion, or better yet, share it with someone else.

Eat with pleasure

To avoid overeating and unwanted heaviness in the stomach, eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and take a 15-minute break between meals.