Top 10 exercises for joints

In the study, a group of 1,000 adults engaged in aerobic exercise for 25 years. As a result, it was found that in people actively engaged in physical exercise, the joints do not lose flexibility, do not stiffen or atrophy.

We present a set of physical exercises for a fit and healthy body at any age.

Master class: look like an Olympic champion

In order to keep your joints strong and your muscles toned, it is enough to perform 12 types of exercises.

  1. A ride on the bicycle

An absolutely accessible activity that, in addition to the benefits of working out the muscles of the whole body, also brings enormous pleasure.

  1. Climbing stairs

An ideal exercise for challenging the muscles and joints of the lower body. Not expensive and doesn't require much time. There are stairs everywhere, just don't neglect the possibility of going up and down the stairs.

  1. Swimming

Perfectly strengthens joints and “warms” muscles. Moreover, when a person swims, he gets relaxation. This is the perfect way to relieve work stress.

  1. Mill (shoulder exercise)

To begin, stretch both arms strictly parallel to the ground, then swing forward and backward 10 times. Gradually increase the speed and number of swings.

  1. Elbow exercises

Allows you to “pump up” your biceps (front of the shoulder) and triceps (on the back). To perform the exercise, take a straight-backed chair with armrests. Sit on it and place your feet on the floor. With your hands on the armrests, push your body up, lifting your buttocks off the chair. Hold your body in this position for six seconds. Then slowly lower yourself and relax your body. Repeat 10 times.

  1. Exercise "Hip"

Lying on your right side, bend your right leg and place your left foot on the floor. Then slowly lift your top leg 0.61 m from the ground. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then slowly lower your leg. Repeat 10 times, then switch legs.

  1. Exercise for the knee joint

Great for pumping up the inner thigh muscles. To perform, place a 0.45 kg object on your ankle. While sitting on a chair, straighten one leg for a minute. Bend your knee and lower that leg to about 45 degrees. Hold for 30 seconds. Rest a minute and repeat.

  1. Calf Raise

It strengthens the shin and ankle well, and also improves coordination and the vestibular system. To perform, place the ball of one foot on the edge of the raised foot, allowing the heel and instep to extend the distance as far as possible. It is advisable to hold on to a chair or wall, your back should be straight, your head should be raised up. The leg does not make any movements. Place your other leg next to or behind the leg you are training. Rise up onto your toes as high as possible and quickly flex your calf muscles. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times, performing two approaches on each leg.

  1. Ankle flexion

Take a chair and while standing in front of it, place your hands on it for balance. Rock back and rise onto your toes. Stay in this position for 6 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

  1. Plank

An excellent exercise for the lower back and training the muscles of the arms and abdominals. To perform this, you need to lie on your stomach, touching your shoulders with your elbows, while your palms are on the floor. Raise your body with your toes touching the floor. Focus your body weight on your elbows and toes. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, and then increase the time to 30 seconds, then to a minute. Do this exercise 10 times.

In addition to the exercises listed above, do not forget about traditional squats. Use the stairs. Love the bike. And in order to “warm up” all the internal hard-to-reach muscles, don’t be too lazy to sign up for yoga classes. And then active games with your grandchildren are guaranteed.