Training of first-class athletes and candidates for master of sports in barbell training in the preparatory period.

We will plan the load in the preparatory and competitive periods in the 1st training cycle for an athlete in the weight category of 56 kg, whose achievements are: in the snatch - 90 kg and in the clean and jerk - 117.5 kg.

The first training cycle includes three months (1st-3rd) of the preparatory period, where the load gradually increases and amounts to 1350, 1500 and 1650 lifts, and two months of the competition period (4th and 5th) with a load of 1200 and 1000 rises. At the end of the 4th month the most important competitions are held, and at the end of the 5th - other, smaller ones. In addition, the athlete must perform in two more competitions without special preparation - at the end of the 3rd week of the 2nd month and in the middle of the 2nd week of the 3rd month.

Since the athlete begins preparation for competitions after a month-long transition period, it is advisable in the 1st month to distribute the monthly load over weekly cycles relatively evenly. Don't forget to use all the sports equipment in your gym, and also dilute your training plan with long aerobic exercises. Option 4-2 would be convenient for a given month, where the load increases from the 1st to the 2nd week, then decreases and reaches maximum values ​​in the 4th. And to make the load more uniform, it is distributed over the weeks not as indicated in the table from the previous article (21, 28, 17 and 34%), but with less variability (for example, 24, 26, 22 and 28%). Then in the 1st week the load will be 324 lifts, in the 2nd - 351, in the 3rd - 297 and in the 4th - 378.

In the last week of the 1st month, the load reaches its maximum values, so in the next month it needs to be distributed so that in the 1st week cycle it is reduced. In addition, at the end of the 3rd week the athlete must compete. In this regard, the most appropriate option would be 2-4, where the load in the 3rd week is minimal (22, 33, 18 and 27%). Then the load in the 2nd preparatory month will be: 1st week - 330, 2nd - 495, 3rd - 270 and 4th - 405 lifts. The month ends with almost an average load in the last 4th week (27%), so next month you can choose any option for distributing the monthly load across weekly cycles.

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