Outdoor sports grounds in courtyards, as an analogue of the “health path”.

Each of those reading this article can act in two capacities: as a person going on the “health path” to strengthen his body, and as an enthusiast, an initiator of the construction and operation of “trails” in his area.

First, a few words for those who will take the “path of health.”

People of all ages can take part in the “health path” - young people and pensioners, beginners and experienced athletes.

Exercises on the “trail” help lower blood pressure and prevent the degeneration of the heart muscle. They are indicated for people with certain types of diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system, and kidneys. And of course, these classes are simply necessary for those who want to lose excess weight.

The doctor will help set the initial load, determine the exercises that can and cannot be performed, as well as the frequency of exercise. It is also necessary to constantly conduct self-monitoring in order to dose the load according to your well-being. Remember that exercise on the “health path” is very intense and emotional, and therefore gives the body a much greater load than jogging and skiing.

Now some advice for those who want to take the initiative and actively participate in the construction of the “health path” and the organization of classes on it.

You can design a “health path” in the capital construction department of any plant or institute. In this case, the plant or institute acts as a sponsoring organization, with the help of which, through deductions from income or funds of trade union committees, it is possible to equip “health paths” at housing offices.

The construction and equipment of “health paths” is carried out by the executive committees of local Councils of Deputies during the construction and reconstruction of residential areas, areas, districts, and cities. Construction is being carried out using capital investments for housing construction. In addition to executive committees, housing authorities can participate in the construction and equipment of “health paths” - at the expense of funds allocated for major repairs of buildings in accordance with the “Instructions for the procedure for organizing major repairs of residential buildings.”

Also, recently, many frequent construction contractors have appeared in our country, ready to design and construct a sports ground, sports town, trail or health track for every taste with any level of complexity.

The area for the construction of “trails” is allocated to the housing office by the district public utilities department. At the same time, it is advisable to make the funds invested in construction by different organizations centralized within the city or microdistrict. The place where the “health path” is being established must be removed (protected) from noise and traffic routes. Physical education and health equipment installed on the “path”, as well as various equipment necessary for conducting classes, are provided by the household administration.

All of the above activities are financed by the Housing Office from various sources. The main source is deductions for cultural work in housing maintenance offices, provided for by the relevant regulations. These deductions amount to 2% of the apartment and 5% of the rent. Another source of financing for physical culture and recreational work in the community is funds from sponsoring enterprises and organizations.

Constructed and equipped “health paths”, as well as outdoor sports grounds in courtyards, must be used with maximum efficiency. To do this, first of all, you should rationally organize classes for them. In large microdistricts, large residential areas, and in joint physical education groups, it is advisable to plan classes in several stages. For example, at the first stage, classes are conducted for a team, department, or workshop of a large production association. The second stage is classes for residents of individual streets, blocks, and housing offices.

Decisions on one or another order of conducting classes on the “path of health” are made by physical education councils at housing and communal services, and at enterprises, organizations, institutions and educational institutions - by councils of physical education groups together with trade union and Komsomol committees.

With the help of district and city committees for physical education and sports, it is advisable to conduct special seminars on the training of community instructors involved in organizing classes on the “health paths.” This responsibility is assigned to the councils of voluntary sports societies, councils of physical education groups and physical education councils at housing offices and house managements.

Councils of physical education groups at enterprises, as well as physical education councils at housing offices and house managements, employees of cultural and recreation parks, bases and recreation areas should pay special attention to the preparation of training venues, their equipment and safety.

"Path of Health" on the patch

It may happen that there is no place near your home to build a “health path”. But your house almost certainly has a yard. And it can be equipped with outdoor sports grounds, partly replacing the “path”.

Specialists from the Kharkov Design Bureau “Sportproekt” offer four main types of such sites:

  1. Type I is a plot of 1092 m2 with plan dimensions of 42×26 m. Designed for installation in a residential area. Includes a block of combined courts for basketball and badminton, a playing area with 16 types of equipment (moving drums, a balance beam, parallel bars, a tire slide, benches, basketball and volleyball stands, table tennis, a monkey bars, etc.), a track for learning to ride bicycle or scooter.
  2. Type II is a plot of 858 m2 with plan dimensions of 33x26 m. Designed for installation among a group of residential buildings. Includes a block of combined sports fields for playing basketball, volleyball and badminton, a play area with 14 types of equipment (moving drums, a balance beam, a spiral, a tire slide, parallel bars, benches, a ring walker, a vine, a log, a barbell, etc. ).
  3. Type III (see Fig. 1) is an area of ​​482 m2 with plan dimensions of 23.5×20.5 m. Designed for placement in the courtyard of a large house. It consists of a block of combined courts for playing volleyball and badminton, a playing area with 11 types of equipment (complex apparatus, rings, parallel bars, barbell, bench, etc.).
  4. Type IV (see Fig. 2) is a site with the smallest area of ​​all considered - 300 m2. Designed to be placed in a small yard. It does not have a court for sports games, but allows simplified games: for example, basketball - “two on two” in one ring. The site is equipped with 11 types of equipment with objects of the same designs as in the previous ones.
  1. combining separate blocks of platforms according to the nature of the movements and exercises performed;
  2. performing simplified exercises (combinations of exercises) and holding relay races and competitions according to simplified rules;
  3. equipping sites with multi-set equipment;
  4. location of sites at a distance of at least 15-18 m from utility sites, streets, roads and residential buildings.

Compliance with these requirements will make it possible to perform a wide variety of exercises on courtyard sites of both the described and any other type.

It also happens that there is very little space for placing sports fields in the yard. In this case, it is advisable to equip combined sites with universal markings. To do this, in the place where the sports ground is supposed to be located, the contours of the grounds intended for various sports are drawn (using multi-colored or dotted lines). This is especially convenient when setting up playgrounds: volleyball, basketball, badminton, etc. In winter, by filling the area with water, you can build an ice skating rink on it.

Covering for sports fields

When constructing an outdoor sports ground, special attention should be paid to its surface. First, the underlying soil is prepared by removing the turf cover and layer of soil from the surface of the site. Then it is leveled, moistened and compacted. After this, the base and intermediate layers are prepared, for which crushed stone is laid and distributed: it is compacted, moistened, the layer is leveled and the same operations are repeated again, achieving the desired thickness.

Material for the base - slag, crushed brick stone, gravel, coarse sand. Intermediate layers must provide drainage, so they most often consist of gravel, crushed stone, and slag. The sequence of compacting the base and intermediate layers is as follows: first lay the base layer, then cover it with light crushed stone. After each laying of crushed stone, it is watered and compacted.

In the final phase of the technological process, the surface of the site is covered with a special composition consisting of several components, the main one of which is clay (25-30%). Other components may be: slag, slaked lime, ground brick, etc.

The simplest ones used are asphalt rubber and rubber bitumen coatings. The first contains bitumen mixed with mineral powder as a binding element. The filler is sand and rubber crumbs. The second contains bitumen, sand, and crushed rubber crumb as a filler. Playground surfaces vary for different activities. So, for example, it is better to practice badminton on courts with an asphalt surface, table tennis on courts with compacted soil, etc. For complex courts, the most typical is a surface on which several sports can be successfully practiced (for example, on a lawn surface you can play volleyball and badminton).

When operating such a complex site, the problem of organizing and conducting classes arises. Indeed, what, for example, should the rest of us do while twelve people are playing volleyball? The answer suggests itself: wait your turn. However, if the type and design of physical fitness devices installed on the sports ground are chosen rationally, those waiting will not be bored. They will be able to perform various general developmental exercises on “handle bars”, logs, barriers, crossbars and other equipment that are usually located on “health paths”.

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