Bent-over barbell row exercise

Bent-over barbell row – a basic bodybuilding exercise that has a targeted effect on latissimus muscles backs. Unlike pull-ups, which build up width back, bent over barbell row with the correct technique stimulates the back to grow and increase in thickness.

Bent-over barbell row exercise technique:

  1. We don’t even approach the apparatus without warming up. The exercise is basic and extremely dangerous.
  2. We use specialized shoes with hard soles, a bodybuilder's waist belt, chalk and other means to ensure our safety.
  3. In the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The body is tilted forward parallel to the floor, the back is straight, not hunched.
  4. With your hands down, hold the barbell at shoulder width or slightly wider.
  5. Without jerking, without swaying or changing the position of the body, we pull the barbell to the lower section of the chest. We are moving smoothly. Exhale while moving.
  6. At the highest point of the amplitude, pause for a couple of seconds.
  7. While inhaling, slowly lower the barbell to its original position.
  8. The breakdown of phase execution times is the same as for pull-ups. Exhaling, lifting to the chest - 2 seconds, slowly inhaling - return movement - 4 seconds. Many bodybuilders stretch the second phase of the exercise for a full minute or more.

Just as in the case of pull-ups, when performing deadlifts it is advisable to change them from time to time. grip width,  in order to shift the impact on latissimus muscle from a different angle.

Franco Colombo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dorian Yates, Nasser El Sondbati  lifted more than 160 kg in this exercise.

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