Exercises for arm wrestling at home.

Not every beginning armwrestler has the opportunity to visit a gym, and not every gym has specific exercise equipment that is effective for armwrestlers. That is why many athletes are thinking about equally effective exercises at home. Moreover, many exercise machines and devices can be made independently and practiced right at home.

Exercises for arm wrestling at home.

Below are described exercises for arm wrestling at home that will help beginning athletes strengthen ligaments, increase grip strength, prepare basic muscles for loads, and understand and feel which muscles are involved in the work.

For classes you will need a regular towel or a thick rope and some kind of weight, for example, a kettlebell, a dumbbell, or a specific vertical bar with a carabiner and a set of weights. It doesn’t matter what kind of equipment it is – the result is important. We attach weights to a towel or rope and you can begin to work out the main muscle groups.

Exercises for arm wrestling at home.

  1. Sit on a bench, tilt your shoulder and rest your hand on your knee so that your hand is parallel to the floor, and perform cyclic lifts of the weight on the hook.
  2. Sit up straight, place your forearm on your leg so that your thumb is up and use your hand to lift the weight. This pumps up the brachioradialis muscle for the top of the forearm.
  3. If you twist an ordinary towel into a hand, you can work the pronator muscle by abduction, and when you bend your fingers, your forearm will work.

It turns out that sitting in one place is quite possible to pump up all the main muscle groups that work in arm wrestling. But we should not forget that this is only a small part of the arm wrestling exercises that can be done at home. Well, in a well-equipped gym there are much more opportunities...

Along with exercises for working your hands, you should perform exercises for grip strength, to build general endurance of the body, and to strengthen joints and ligaments. For example, exercises with a barbell, kettlebells, exercises on the crossbar - all this will help in moving the athlete towards his cherished goal.