Fatigue after childbirth
There are different types of fatigue
Just recently, you dreamed that immediately after the birth of your baby, you would become the happiest mother. But for some reason, the elated mood is constantly replaced by a depressed one. The desire to relax and get a good night's sleep remains the main dream. But more often you want to break all the mirrors in the house so as not to see your reflection in them: how can you come to terms with what you see in them?! A child's crying increasingly causes irritation instead of a desire to come over and find out what your baby is saying... I'm tired! - that’s what I want to shout to everyone who enters the house. Please note that such conditions after childbirth are familiar to one degree or another to every woman... regardless of the number of assistants, wealth in the house, or even the number of children already existing.
What is behind these words from mom? I’m tired
Our chief doctor, Elena Yuryevna Pechnikova, suggests considering any mother’s fatigue, primarily depending on the time frame in which it is observed. In the first month after childbirth, the physiological fatigue of the body, which has done a lot of hard work, is often the basis of fatigue or its leading component. During the first half of a child's life, physiological fatigue gradually gives the leading role to psychological fatigue. But all the fatigue that persists after the second half of the year and beyond is based on psychological and psychosomatic factors.
What to do if, on the one hand, fatigue is inevitable, because they have not yet invented a way for a mother to carry a child for 9 months, then give birth to him, and at the same time her body does not work and does not waste its strength on it. On the other hand, for some, fatigue is greater and lasts longer, while for others, by the second month of life it may remain only a memory. So, after all, there is a way out.
Fatigue in the first months after childbirth
Helping the body
So, what is the postpartum period and how to behave correctly during this time? How to restore your strength, your appearance, and at the same time your emotional state? Postpartum recovery specialist, Blokh Maria Evgenievna, says that usually there is an early postpartum period within 8-12 days after birth and a late one, lasting up to 6-8 weeks after birth. During this time, your body returns to normal, restoring the functions of all organs and systems after pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, your uterus provided reliable protection and a cozy home for your baby. Over the course of 9 months, she, of course, changed, the walls of the uterus became thinner, and she increased several times. And after childbirth, she again needs to change, to take on her original shape and size; for this, the uterus contracts and at first painful contractions in the lower abdomen, the so-called postpartum contractions, may be felt, most often during feeding. In this case, you can do a light stroking massage of the abdomen and rub the lower back.
Within 10 days, the cervix is formed, then the uterine os is completely closed, the inner surface of the uterus is lined with new epithelium by the end of the postpartum period. While recovery is underway, the woman experiences vaginal discharge; during the first five days it is profuse, similar to heavy menstruation. Gradually their character changes, the blood disappears, the amount decreases and by the end of 5-6 weeks the discharge completely stops. If a few days after birth the discharge suddenly stops, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. A good preventive measure against blood stagnation is movement. If a woman does not lie down, but walks, recovery occurs faster. However, the loads need to be increased gradually. To avoid complications, women should not lift heavy objects. Doctors generally do not recommend lifting anything heavier than her baby. Hypothermia must be avoided.
The maternity hospital will strongly recommend that you visit a gynecologist 10-14 days after birth. This is necessary so that the doctor can monitor how well everything is going. Be sure to maintain hygiene, take a shower daily for genital hygiene