Morning exercises and indoor training

It is known that with the help of even simple morning exercises, not to mention special training, you can not only improve your health, but also improve your physical qualities. This should not be forgotten, because many people do not have enough time to go to the stadium or gym. Others are embarrassed by their skinny muscles, and you can’t lure them into the gym with a roll. Still others simply don’t know how to approach training...

The section of the site that you are currently viewing is addressed to those who want to strengthen their muscles with various exercises, without leaving their own apartment, so that later they will not be ashamed to start more serious training in the gym or on sports grounds. This manual will help teenagers and older people significantly improve their physical condition, practically without using any exercise equipment, but only what is at hand at home. It will also be useful for parents who must take care of the physical development of their child.

Maintaining muscle tone is important not only for men, but also for women. After all, each of them wants to be attractive, have a slim body, a beautiful figure. Recommended exercises and their systems, which can be performed at home, will help girls prolong their youth and preserve their beauty.

So, without leaving your room, you can significantly improve your health and physical condition, stock up, and also maintain vigor and strength for many years. If, of course, you listen to our advice.

Teachings of Müller, Schreber and Prosek

If a person strengthens, he will become stronger than a stone, and if a person weakens, he will become weaker than water.

Folk wisdom

It would seem, how can you train in an apartment? Morning exercises - this is understandable: I did swings, turns, bends - and charged myself with energy for the whole day. It’s another thing to develop any physical quality, such as strength. Here you can’t do without barbells, dumbbells, not to mention other more complex equipment. I'm sure many people think so. And they are wrong. You can significantly strengthen your muscles without leaving your room.

Already in the second half of the 19th century. An intensive search began for an antidote to the increasing weakness of the body of the majority of the population. And it was soon found - indoor gymnastics appeared. It did not require a specially designated place for classes, special devices and, most importantly, it significantly saved time, allowing you to get an intense and uniform load in a short period of time. Soon a real boom in indoor gymnastics began, and a large number of methods of bodily development appeared. Moreover, many of them were no less popular than they are now, for example, karate, wushu, classical or anti-gravity yoga. The systems of I. Müller, D. Schreber, and I. Proshek were especially loved among fans of physical activity. An interesting feature of them was that the authors almost did not use simulators or various devices.

For example, Müller's gymnastics had a very large variety of flexion and extension turns, and all this was done at a fast pace. The most interesting thing is that the results of such exercises were no less than with weight training! The greater or lesser load on the muscles was regulated by the intensity of their execution.

The Proshek system, also very popular in its time, was built in a completely different way; it paid great attention to static stresses. Interestingly, Proshek considered the use of various weights, such as dumbbells, completely unnecessary. This mechanical influence of an external force does not require, in his opinion, any effort of will.

Unfortunately, these days the recommendations of famous athletes of the past have been completely forgotten. Meanwhile, recent studies by American scientists have confirmed that psycho-emotional overload and inability to adapt to the intense rhythm of life is observed in people with a frail physique almost 5 times more often than in their muscular peers. As paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, children with proportionally developed muscles learn better. Therefore, physical activity is important from early childhood - it will not only strengthen the muscle corset, but also avoid various diseases that have become the scourge of our time: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis and many others.

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