Leg press on the machine

Leg press on the machine - an excellent exercise for pumping the thigh muscles. The work involves both quadriceps, so two-headed muscle groups of the thigh. In addition, this exercise is much less traumatic, compared to classic barbell squats.

A significant plus for your safety is complete control above the movement, the presence of safety levers-locks, minimizing the likelihood of “falling over” during the training process. Another reason in favor of this particular exercise is that it is narrowly focused accent specifically on the muscles legs and exclusion from work of the back, shoulders, neck, arms, in a word, additional areas usually involved in classic squats.

During execution, special attention must be paid to lowering speed weight. Slowly lower yourself down until the thigh muscles are stretched to the limit, and then, eliminating inertia, straighten your legs, but not completely. Do not allow your legs to be maximally straightened at the knee joint - you may get injured. This technique will give you the potential to achieve a burning sensation in your thigh muscles. Use a high number of repetitions - ranging from 11 to 27 repetitions.

To avoid hammering your quadriceps with just heavy weights, combine this exercise with working on an exercise bike or stationary bike. And also combine your bodybuilding training with aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, cycling - then your leg muscles will be harmoniously and fully developed. And once a week, going on a treadmill, buying yourself a monthly membership to the pool and buying a bike now, I think, is not a problem for anyone. And the benefits from such an addition will be impressive and really tangible.

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