Aerobic exercise for weight loss.

All sports use aerobic exercise to lose weight. They increase blood circulation, increase metabolism, and saturate the blood with oxygen. It is recommended to train several times a week for 20-40 minutes at a heart rate of 55-75% of maximum. The maximum heart rate is calculated as follows: from 220, subtract the athlete’s age. If the athlete is 35 years old, then the maximum heart rate will be 220-35 =185. 55% of 185 is 102 heart beats per minute, 75% of 185 is 139 beats per minute. We round the values ​​and get a pulse range of 100-140 beats.

  1. Running and standing long jump.
  2. Training program:
  3. Warm up.
  4. Jogging.
  5. Standing long jump.
  6. Hitch.
  7. Workout in the gym.

Running and standing long jump.

Running and long jumping help you lose weight. To jump, you will need a sand pit at the stadium, so you can only train outside. This energy-intensive exercise for the body forces all major muscle groups to work. At the moment of jumping, the quadriceps femoris, calf muscles, plantar muscles, back extensors, shoulder flexors and forearm extensors contract to their maximum. Antagonist muscles also participate in the work, protecting against hyperextension in the joints due to inertia.

Training program:

Warm up.

It is enough to spend 5-7 minutes to warm up. Before running, you need to stretch your muscles and joints, prepare for the upcoming work. Perform warm-up exercises with incomplete amplitude, without sudden movements.

  1. Rotate your shoulders forward and backward.
  2. Turns and tilts of the body.
  3. Half squats.
  4. Walking in place, turning into running.


It is useful to run on rough terrain. In urban environments, you most often have to run on asphalt, so you need to choose your shoes especially carefully. When running, your knees and spine experience a lot of impact, and properly selected shoes soften the impact of landing on your heel with each step. Running time is 30 - 40 minutes.

  1. Run at medium speed for the first 10 minutes.
  2. Then 20 minutes of interval running, alternating running at a moderate speed with 10-20 seconds of high-intensity running. The pulse should not be in the acceptable zone.
  3. Finish the run with 5-10 minutes of running at medium speed.

Long jump 5 times. You can only jump in the jumping pit. During a jump, the ankles and knees experience enormous overload, and only sand can compensate for it.

  1. Stand on the edge of the jumping pit.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, squat slightly, tighten your abs. Bend your arms at the elbows, keep them close to your body.
  3. Push off with both feet and jump into the jumping hole, trying to bring your legs forward. To do this, you need to raise your knees more strongly and move your shins up and forward.

The first attempts may not work, but over time the length of the jump will increase and the technique will improve. The exercise tightens the muscles of the legs and buttocks. When performing it, a large number of calories are consumed.


After running and jumping, the muscles are full of lactic acid; stretching can speed up its removal from the tissues. Particular attention should be paid to stretching the quadriceps femoris muscle.

  1. Stand up straight. With your left hand, grab the toe of your left foot and press it with your heel to your left buttock, bending your leg at the knee. The right hand rests on the waist.
  2. Sit down a little on your right leg, push your pelvis forward slightly, holding your heel against your buttock with your left hand.
  3. Increase the load by pressing your heel harder against your buttock and pushing your pelvis forward.

You should not long jump if you have heart disease, joint disease, or varicose veins. In this case, you can do aerobic exercises to lose weight on cardio equipment.

Workout in the gym.

Fitness centers are equipped with all types of cardio equipment. To lose weight, you can choose a treadmill, exercise bike, stepper or elliptical trainer (orbitec). It is effective to use two machines in one workout: 15 minutes on an exercise bike and 15 minutes on an orbital machine. The peculiarity of the combination of simulators is that in orbit you need to move in reverse. This allows you to work out, in general, all the muscles of the lower extremities and buttocks, and includes the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  1. Beginner level. Work in the pulse range, move evenly at an average speed.
  2. Level of average readiness. Do interval training, alternating 10 seconds of intense speed with 40 seconds of movement at a moderate pace. Do 3-4 intervals, the rest of the time move at an average pace.
  3. Level of good preparation. Increase the number of intervals, reduce the time between periods of intense work. Intervals are selected individually.

It is impossible to achieve weight loss without dieting, but moderation in dietary restrictions must be observed, otherwise the body will begin to destroy its own muscles. To prevent this from happening, take sports vitamins, as well as protein, creatine, and other biologically active supplements for athletes, wisely plan your daily diet, as well as the time and number of meals. Remember: the diet must be balanced and provide all the necessary substances for building muscles, bones, and nerve cells. Aerobic exercise and a reasonable attitude towards food will create a harmonious figure and good health.

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