Anatomy of fat burning. Basic mechanisms of weight loss.

So, the agenda of the article: the anatomy of fat burning and the basic mechanisms of weight loss. Let's dot all the t's in this eternally relevant topic... Now let's talk about the main aspects of burning fat. This question worries millions of people, especially girls. First, let's figure out how excess fat appears in our body. After which it will immediately become clear how to get rid of these excesses.

In this case, physics is to blame, namely the 1st law of thermodynamics. Who remembers him? This is the law of distribution and conservation of energy (calories): “If there is more energy (calories) in our diet than our body expends, then the excess calories or energy are stored as fat.” And vice versa, “If our diet contains fewer calories than our body spends, then it mobilizes its energy reserves (on the sides and waist) and real fat burning occurs!”

Therefore, the conclusion is this: the main means of burning fat is a proper diet, in which we must be in a negative energy balance. This will be quite enough.

Some tips for a healthy diet:

  1. Certain calorie content. Girls need to consume an average of 1000-1500 kcal in order to lose weight. For men – 2500 kcal and below. Of course, these figures are averages, because... Each person is individual: different gender, weight, metabolism, lifestyle, etc.
  2. Focus on protein foods. Protein itself has an excellent thermic effect, i.e. a lot of calories (energy) are spent trying to assimilate and digest it, therefore, our metabolism speeds up. In addition, protein is necessary to maintain our muscle mass, because... it consists of protein. If you want to burn fat through fat mass rather than muscle mass, then protein will help you. Protein is not very high in calories, unlike, for example, fat. There are only 4 kcal in 1 gram of protein. A very interesting nuance for many is that protein saturates the body and we do not feel hungry, which is very important when following a fat burning program.
  3. Drink your normal amount of water. In the body, all metabolism (metabolism) occurs in an aquatic environment, because We are made up of 75% water. Therefore, by consuming enough water, we speed up our metabolism, which leads to better fat burning. Everyone has their own individual daily water intake, but on average you need to consume 2 to 4 liters of water daily.
  4. Reduce your sodium (salt) intake. Sodium is essential to our life, but most people consume too much of this mineral. As everyone knows, salt retains water, and excess water means excess weight and extra volume. Therefore, reduce your salt intake to 5-10 grams per day.

  5. Eat complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates contain less sugar and do not increase sugar levels in the body. Excess sugar is the main cause of weight gain, so eliminate simple carbohydrates (which contain a lot of sugar) from your diet and replace them with complex ones.

As you understand, proper nutrition is the basis for burning fat. However, cardio training is considered an excellent addition to speed up this process. They further increase metabolism, which leads to even faster fat burning.

Incorporate 3-4 cardio workouts per week into your lifestyle. You can use any cardio exercise: treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike, etc. Exercise for about an hour at a moderate pace or choose high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT is a shorter workout, but very effective, so you can study it in more detail on our website.

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