Effectively pump your arms at home.

If you decide to seriously change your body and finally achieve the parameters that you have dreamed of for a long time, it is not at all necessary to wait for a salary (or bonus) and buy a subscription to a fitness club. For those who are ready to start (or continue) hard work on themselves, there are no barriers. It is quite possible (almost free) to study according to your own program at home - at a time convenient for you, in your favorite clothes, to the music that you like (listening to it through speakers, not on headphones), and at the same time achieve progress that many only dream. The main thing is to act!

It is important to remember that in addition to physical activity, you need to pay attention to your daily routine - that is, get up on time, eat well, and don’t go to bed late (you should get a full seven to eight hours of rest). It has been established that the benefit of an hour of sleep before midnight is many times greater than the benefit of the same period of time after midnight. It is also important to monitor what you eat - maintain the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, get enough minerals and vitamins that enter your body, and also remember the required amount of water that you consume daily. A lack of fluid in the body is fraught with at least a decrease in metabolism and lethargy.

However, we will focus on the specifics of the training. To exercise at home, you will need simple equipment: comfortable clothes, sports shoes (working out barefoot is not useful - the foot receives a disproportionate load, the position of the leg can be poorly fixed, this threatens increased pressure on the arch of the foot, and can also lead to injury; therefore, shoes it is better to wear a sports one), perhaps a jump rope (for warming up or for periodic aerobic training), if available, dumbbells, a wall-mounted horizontal bar with parallel bars or a wall bars. Everything that is found can be used. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can choose a program in such a way as to work with your own weight as efficiently as possible.

So, let's pump our arms at home. What is needed for this? Let's first remember a little anatomy and focus our attention on the target muscles. Considering the upper limb as the object of the main influence, we will highlight the main muscle groups:

  1. deltoid (form the shoulder, consist of three bundles: the front one is responsible for lifting forward, the middle one moves sideways, forms the main volume, the head of the shoulder, the back one is responsible for movement to the sides and back);
  2. biceps is a flexor, a small group, it responds well to load, as it does not experience much tension in everyday life;
  3. triceps - an extensor, contains the lateral, middle and long heads, it is a large muscle, it should be developed quite seriously and occupy almost half the volume of the upper arm;
  4. Below the elbow are the brachialis, brachioradialis, flexor muscles (on the inside) and extensors (on the outside) of the fingers.

You can work on them all in one lesson, or you can break them down by day, for example, on one day we train the flexor and extensor muscles, and lift the shoulders on another day - say, with the legs or the back. This approach will allow you to train the selected area more concentratedly.

To accomplish this task, we will consider exercise options for different groups using different equipment - all you have to do is choose the combination that suits you.

We structure any workout as follows: first warm up (we warm up the whole body, from top to bottom, paying special attention to the upper shoulder girdle), then warm up - you can use jumping in place, or jump rope for 5-7 minutes, in any case, you need to prepare for the main Part of the lesson is to increase blood circulation, slightly increase blood pressure and temperature, and start metabolic processes. Now the body is ready for strength training.

To develop the flexor, dumbbell lifts are suitable - regular and hammer, pull-ups - with a direct or reverse grip, the latter forms the peak of the muscle - the most coveted prize of any athlete.

To influence the extensor, we use push-ups on a bench (a bench and a chair or two stable chairs are suitable for this), on uneven bars - if you are the happy owner of a wall-mounted horizontal bar with parallel bars, a dumbbell overhead press, a French press, and of course - push-ups from the floor with a narrow setting palms (in this case, the elbows should be located along the body).

We shake our shoulders with deltoids exercises. Seated dumbbell presses, forward and side raises, side raises, and bent over raises are suitable. The back bun is perfectly worked out when doing pull-ups.

The forearms are strengthened (albeit indirectly) by all free weight exercises. If you are sufficiently prepared, you can add flexion-extension of the hand with additional weighting. It is important to choose the right weight of the projectile and amplitude of movement.

Strengthening your hands and increasing your grip strength can also be done using simple techniques. The most common way is to use a wrist expander. Expanders vary in shape and resistance. Choose any one and work on your brushes. You can also use a more difficult option - finger push-ups. This method is suitable for more trained athletes; it can be quite traumatic. In addition, exercises with free weights (if the handle is thick enough) will also help develop your grip. Combine, complicate the tasks - and you will conquer any lid on a jar of pickles (the best way to demonstrate the result of your efforts).

It should be noted that training your arms at home is not only possible, but often even more effective, since not only the load is important, but also recovery. Progress in volume and improvement in strength indicators occur precisely during the recovery period - between workouts (subject to all other rules of bodybuilding - regimen, nutrition, proper sleep). Often muscle development slows down or stops altogether precisely because of overtraining. This usually does not happen when practicing at home.

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