Effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides.

Our regular reader Larisa (37 years old, 2 children) sent us this request in her email: “Please tell me effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides. Thank you in advance". Well, dear Larisa and all our other girls and women, we are happy to respond to your request. And Roman Staropolsky, a multiple champion in bodybuilding, our fitness trainer with many years of experience and rich professional experience, will tell us how to effectively remove subcutaneous fat from the waist area. So, the question has been voiced, and the floor is given to our sports expert Roman...

It is not without reason that the torso is a problem area for the average person. The fact is that it is so laid down by our mother nature that subcutaneous fat accumulates most of all in this area, and, alas, there is no escape from this. Some have more of it, some have less, its complete absence is found only in “mature” athletes of a professional level of training, and only under the condition of focused attention to this part of the body...

What to do if there are no cubes on your tummy, let alone cubes, but nasty, unsightly folds of fat hanging? – the answer is obvious: we need to drive them away! This is what we will do now. The question is: how to do this? - provide me...

Well, first of all, you need to be patient, because it’s unlikely to be possible to correct the situation in a day or one week. Fat tissue has been accumulating on your waist for years! Do you really think that you can drive them away in a matter of days? Here, too, months, and maybe even years (depending on the degree of neglect) of painstaking work are needed! And you must be ready for this. Success will not come quickly. Victory loves the patient.

We will act from five directions at once:

  1. aerobic training,
  2. strength training,
  3. well-planned daily routine,
  4. proper diet
  5. and psychological preparation.

We choose this strategy of comprehensive influence on all fronts for a reason. If you miss even one of these points, you risk wasting your time without achieving the desired result. Or, in any case, the result will not be as good as it could be... Further, each component will be discussed separately...

  1. Aerobic effects on the body.
  2. Forceful impact on the problem area.
  3. Training planning and daily routine.
  4. Nutrition for weight loss.
  5. Psychological setting and main conclusion.
  6. Table of contents:

Aerobic effects on the body.

Many people mistakenly think that if I have folds on my stomach, that means I need to pump up my stomach. And they train him with great enthusiasm, right to the point of insanity, but they still don’t achieve results. And they wonder: how can this be? I train my stomach, I train, and the folds are still there. The whole point is that fat deposits need to be dealt with radically! Not in one particular zone, but in general. We need to launch our internal mechanism, which Mother Nature herself gave us, which will mercilessly destroy the excess of this muck. Moreover, note that this is a primary task! This needs to be done first! That is why we begin the fight against subcutaneous fat with aerobic training. How to carry out aerobic effects on the body? Here are the most common options:

  1. running or brisk walking,
  2. jumping rope,
  3. swimming in the pool,
  4. a ride on the bicycle,
  5. active dancing, aerobics,
  6. cardio training,
  7. and others…

In general, all those types of physical activity where we have to work intensely and breathe heavily. Our pulse accelerates, the number of heart contractions increases, body temperature and blood pressure rise... All this just triggers the mechanism for burning the excess fat we have. Therefore, in our list of exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, it is mandatory, and number one, that we include cardio and aerobic exercise for at least half an hour! This will give an excellent start to the processes of fat destruction that we need so much. Moreover, throughout the body as a whole, and not just on the stomach. Moreover, curiously, scientists have long proven that even after completing your cardio session, the internal process of burning fat does not stop abruptly! It continues to act for about 2 hours, even when we have long left the gym or fitness center. And this is exactly what we need!

Now that the fat burning process has started, it’s time to announce the second stage of the fight against folds: strength exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides - an accentuated effect on our problem area. So, part of the fat will be burned as a result of aerobic action, and we will process another part and transform it into muscles. Here are a number of the most effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides:

  1. Cyclic raising and lowering of the body from a lying position - Sit-ups. Vary the load with the position of your hands, as described here and, if necessary, add load with weights.
  2. The same thing, only on an incline bench or, even better, on a “Roman chair” at different angles with the legs fixed.
  3. Crunches are an analogue of situps, only a more effective exercise for the upper and middle thirds of the abs. We do not raise the entire body at once, but first the head, then the shoulders, and so on, as if twisting into a spiral (by analogy with the “y-y” toy).
  4. Leg raises on a wall bars, or from a position hanging on a bar, or with emphasis on an inclined bench - the exercise perfectly works the lower third of the abs. Low load? – Wear weighted bracelets on your ankles.
  5. Leg raises on the machine: “crossbar, press, parallel bars” - the same thing, it has a great effect on the lower abdomen. Is it difficult to immediately raise your legs? – raise them with your knees bent 90 degrees – pull your knees towards your chest. At first, like this, then you can do it with your legs straight...
  6. Pulldown on a block frame - read more about this exercise here.
  7. Working on a press machine from different angles in different projections.
  8. Crunches on a special simulator.
  9. For fully trained athletes - lifting the body from an upside down position with the legs secured to the crossbar or wall bars.
  10. Cyclic lifts of the torso sideways - on the oblique abdominal muscles.
  11. Tilts of the body to the sides with resistance - the so-called “Metronome”.
  12. For lovers of statics and Pilates: Plank exercises in all its many variations.

Almost each of the above exercises can be performed with a twist to the sides - rotation and tilt of the body either to the right or to the left. By adding such modified repetitions to each approach, you will work not only on your stomach, but also on your sides, which in combination will only have a positive effect on the overall appearance of your torso...

On our website here - in the “exercises for the press” section, all these exercises are analyzed in detail with pictures, photographs and diagrams. So read, and if anything is not clear, ask your questions in the comments. Our team of experienced experts will be happy to answer any of your questions.

It is recommended to do each of the above exercises for 5 sets with 15 repetitions in each set. And God forbid you do all of the above at once in one workout - you’ll lose muscle strength, soreness will appear, which you can read about here, and the desire to train further will immediately disappear. So beware of overtraining. Everything should be in moderation. Over-pumping is also bad!

For one specific workout, choose 3-4 exercises from the above, preferably so that the emphasis of the impact covers all parts of the abdominal muscles:

  1. upper third
  2. middle third
  3. and the lower third.

This is necessary for a comprehensive effect on the entire target area. Also add side twists to get your sides involved.

At the next workout, take another 3-4 exercises, and constantly alternate them from session to session.

The abdominal press is a muscle group that, in principle, can be trained at least every day, unless, of course, you overdo it with loads. If you feel that you have overtrained, and the next day your abdominal muscles hurt, it is better to refrain from new training for now, so as not to worsen your overtraining. Dedicate such days to cardio exercises until you fully recover. When the muscle pain goes away, you can work on your waist again.

You can also help your body with all known rehabilitation procedures:

  1. swimming,
  2. massage,
  3. sauna or steam room.

By the way, the latter also has a very positive effect on weight loss and getting rid of subcutaneous fat, so if you have no contraindications, be sure to include these components in your daily routine. It has long been proven that visiting a bathhouse or sauna at least once a week allows you to normalize your metabolism in the body, as well as get rid of toxins and other nasties that leave our body through sweat. At the same time, improve your skin, which will begin to breathe after a long period of stagnation...

After a good workout and rehabilitation procedures, do not forget about proper rest and sleep. This is also important when working on your own body. Because without sufficient recovery, there will be no progress in training, and, consequently, no tangible results.

Nutrition for weight loss.

Well, and, of course, another component of working on yourself is your nutrition. Without its careful adjustment, you will not see a beautiful belly and sides. What do you need to change in your diet?

Well, first of all, you need to immediately understand that we are not getting rid of fat so that you can increase its level again. Therefore, it is necessary to completely stop any influx of resources into our body for its subsequent deposition. Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet. We also recommend forgetting about salt and sugar in all its variations. Scientific nutritionists have long proven that excluding these two elements from the diet already significantly improves our metabolism and, accordingly, our well-being. Minimize all kinds of cakes, pastries, sweets and other rubbish. If you need carbohydrates, it’s better to eat a fruit or vegetable. It is natural and therefore healthier than confectionery chemicals made artificially from sugar.

Your diet should be based on proteins and carbohydrates, and, as mentioned above, of natural origin. Proteins will be building materials for you to process folds into muscles. And carbohydrates will give you the energy we need for aerobic training.

Foods that speed up fat burning.

Add to your diet something that will help you successfully fight extra pounds:

  1. Green tea - it has long been known that it is excellent for losing weight and burning fat deposits.
  2. Pineapples or pineapple juice are the same thing, consider it a product that promotes rapid weight loss.
  3. Ginger,
  4. Grapefruit,
  5. and other useful things from our table, read more about which here.

For those who find this not enough, we recommend purchasing a special sports nutrition product – a fat burner – for those who want to polish their tummy to complete perfection. This is not an anabolic or steroid, so it will not produce any hormonal changes in your body. There is no need to be afraid of this! This is a natural drug that accelerates the metabolism of fats in our body. By using it regularly, you will fight excesses using a radical method. The drug will not allow new fat to be deposited, and will brutally eradicate all existing fat in your body. It is with this additive that you can achieve the appearance of cubes on your steel abs. So, if your goal is these treasured cubes, definitely include a fat burner in your daily diet.


Another important point: this is the diet. If you want to lose weight, then:

  1. Do not eat anything after 18:00, because most of it settles on our sides - due to what we eat in the evening and at night.
  2. Reduce portion doses. So take it and cut your daily meal in half. For this, by the way, small plates will be very helpful. When the plate is large, we don’t even notice how much we eat. And by taking a smaller plate and forcing ourselves not to add anything else to it, we significantly reduce the amount of food we eat.
  3. If you still want to eat, eat more often. That is, it is better to eat six times a day, but just a little bit, than three times, but load yourself up. It is for this reason that bodybuilders and fitness models eat like this - often, every two hours...
  4. Remember: bad habits such as smoking and alcohol also negatively affect all processes in our body, and metabolism in particular. So, eradicate this infection at the root!

Psychological setting and main conclusion.

By following all the above recommendations, you will definitely move step by step towards improving the appearance of your sides and abdomen, as well as your entire body as a whole. It is only important to remember that the result will not come in one workout or one day. Therefore, change your life! Love sports! Love the cardio machines and exercises above. Love balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle! And then, over time, you will be guaranteed an excellent appearance, which is what we wish for you with all our hearts!

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Five directions.
  3. Aerobic training.
  4. Strength training.
  5. Daily regime.
  6. Special equipment.
  7. Nutrition for weight loss.
    1. Fat burning accelerators.
    2. Diet.
  1. Psychological setting and main conclusion.
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