Chondroitin sulfate in the diet of bodybuilders and lifters.

If you have seriously come to iron sports and are reading articles on our site, then you probably already know how to train the main muscle groups. You also probably know what you need to eat for speedy muscle growth, how to recover effectively, plan your life schedule... It would seem, what else is needed? With this knowledge, work on yourself regularly, don’t overdo it, and you will be happy! And yet, not everything is so simple...

There are elements in our body that cannot be trained, but over time they seriously wear out from hard physical work. What are these elements? These are bones, ligaments and tendons. Yes Yes! Did you think they were given to you forever as ideally good, and will remain so until the end of your days? Think about it: You regularly lift super-heavy weights, and this cannot escape the above elements of our body. They also wear out and eventually become unusable, like shock absorbers in a car suspension...

Even more serious problems are created by the fact that, for example, we can train muscles, we can make them stronger and more voluminous, thereby moving to even greater weight due to the acquired strength. But what about cartilage, ligaments, tendons and bones? You can't train them! And the load on them with the increase in our sports level is increasing and increasing... What then should we do? - chondroitin and calcium will help, but more on that later...

Since we can’t strengthen these weak links in any way, we need to at least maintain their good shape and functionality. It is for this reason that many advanced bodybuilders, as well as lifters (for them, these questions are even more relevant), in addition to proteins, creatines, gainers and fat burners, also necessarily take specialized preparations for bones and joint-ligamentous apparatus...

So, we’ve basically sorted out the bones, but what about the cartilage and joints? What medications should I take to strengthen them and keep them in working shape?

Unfortunately, we can glean little for this purpose from the dinner table and our everyday food... Apparently, it is for this reason that so many athletes sooner or later suffer from diseases affecting cartilage and joints. This includes osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine, osteoarthrosis of the joints, and other nasty ailments...

In fact, in the arsenal of a bodybuilder, lifter, athlete of other disciplines, and even just a person, there is only one effective drug that prevents the degradation of joint and cartilage tissue. This drug is chondroitin. The most common and easily accessible option is considered to be chondroitin sulfate. It can even be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. Only in its pure form it is usually not sold. Usually these are powders or capsules containing the lion's share of chondroitin. The most common are chondromed, chondromed plus and others...

It is believed that chondroitin sulfate not only prevents the degradation of cartilage tissue, but even takes an active part in its regeneration. Although, of course, this is a very controversial point, because many doctors believe that cartilage tissue, in principle, is not restored, and you can only maintain its condition for a while... However, as they say, there is no smoke without fire!

If you lift serious weights, you definitely can’t do without chondroitin! It is unfortunate that many athletes understand this simple rule very late. But serious illnesses could have been completely avoided... Don’t get sick! Work on yourself! Do it right! and be healthy!

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