How to sunbathe safely in a solarium

How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly? What are the benefits of artificial tanning? What risks and dangers does it pose? Is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy or during menstruation? What are the features of tanning “in a capsule” according to skin type? Rules for using a solarium without harm to health.

The value of exposure to sunlight on the skin was first stated by the German scientist Friedrich Wolf in the middle of the last century. Conducting experiments on artificial irradiation of athletes, he noted an improvement in their well-being, an increase in immunity and vitality. Already in the seventies, his brother Jörg Wolf founded the Cosmedico company, which began producing the first lamps with a UV spectrum, and then portable cameras for artificial tanning.

Solariums appeared on the market of physiotherapeutic equipment at the right time. Since the mid-twentieth century, there has been a boom in the popularity of tanned skin in the world. If previously a pale face and hands were considered a sign of nobility and aristocracy, then with the advent of bathing suits, a bronze shade of the body became fashionable. Solariums made it possible to maintain it in winter and summer.

Transformation of public opinion

The first solariums were created to solve the problem of lack of sunlight. It is known that only under the influence of ultraviolet rays does the body produce vitamin D. Without it, our body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus - the main “building elements” of bone tissue.

The lack of sunlight is manifested by systemic disorders in the body: weakness and fragility of bones, the development of rickets. Artificial irradiation has become a modern way to improve the health of children living in cold climates where access to sunlight is limited throughout the year.

Sunbathing has also been proven to have other positive effects.

  1. Stimulates the formation of endorphins - hormones of joy. They promote a good mood, excellent emotional and physical tone.
  2. Improves skin condition. Ultraviolet light has a disinfecting and drying effect, which is why UV therapy was included in the list of methods for treating skin diseases.
  3. Increases immunity. Light rays can activate the body's defenses, which is especially valuable during the period of colds in the cold and off-season.

Potential Risk

In recent years, the dangers of solariums have been talked about much more often than their benefits. The installations perform far from the tasks for which they were created fifty years ago. In addition, it has been proven that the amount of sunlight required to produce vitamin D in the body is much less than previously thought.

For example, to protect your baby from rickets and provide conditions for strong bones, it is enough to be with him outside in direct sunlight for only twenty minutes a day. In this case, only the face and palms can be open.

In the solarium, the whole body remains open. This creates certain risks.

  1. Allergy to the sun. Individual reaction to sunlight. May manifest as skin rashes, redness, burning of the epidermis. If you experience similar symptoms in the summer, you should not attend artificial tanning sessions.
  2. Increased photosensitivity. When taking certain medications, exposure to ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous, as it can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin and other unexpected reactions. Women taking contraceptives, tetracycline and sulfacyl antibiotics, antidepressants, and antivirals should be treated with caution.
  3. Formation of age spots. The skin during menstruation responds to excessive pigmentation when exposed to sunlight, so you should not spend time in a solarium on menstrual periods. Procedures are prohibited after aggressive effects on the skin of the face: peeling, resurfacing, microdermabrasion, during which the stratum corneum is thinned or removed. Age spots appear in people prone to their formation: fair-skinned people with freckles on their faces.
  4. Skin aging. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin, and the longer it lasts, the more pronounced this effect becomes. It has been proven that regular sunbathing causes skin aging, as it stimulates dehydration and reduces the intensity of collagen and elastin production. Aging does not appear immediately, but over the long term.
  5. Exacerbation of diseases. The rules for visiting a solarium exclude the possibility of its use in the presence of chronic diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, and respiratory tract. There is a high risk of overheating and miscarriage during pregnancy, so you should avoid the procedure in the first trimester.
  6. Oncological diseases . The aggressive sun and its “reduced copy” can provoke the development of skin cancer. They are caused by excessive visits to solariums, abuse of time spent in a capsule, and the use of outdated capsules with an uncontrolled level of radiation.

Can visiting a solarium cause cancer? Scientists have come to a consensus - maybe! Currently, public opinion towards this method of tanning has changed dramatically.

The Science of Tanning

In 2013, authorities in a number of states in Australia announced a total ban on the use of solariums. As a result of studies, doctors have found that attending artificial tanning sessions increases the risk of skin cancer by 20%. By the end of 2014, all Australian states without exception refused to use “UV capsules”.

Other negative impact factors have also been identified.

  1. Eye hazard. In 2013, specialists from the British College proved that bright ultraviolet light in capsules leads to eye pathology, causing the growth of the conjunctiva on the cornea. The risk does not decrease even when closing the eyes, since the tissues of the eyelids are too thin and ultraviolet radiation passes through them freely.
  2. Psychological dependence. The habit of visiting a solarium regularly leads to “drug addiction,” researchers at the American University at Albany warn. A person gets used to seeing his body beautiful, tanned, and if he does not get the next “dose” of tanning, he becomes irritable, experiences depression and apathy.

In Russia, no studies have been conducted on the effects of procedures on the human body. Therefore, the statement of Russian scientists, doctors of medical sciences N.N. Potekaev, V.V. Vladimirov, L.S. Kruglov can be considered significant. According to experts, the need to artificially maintain a tan all year round has become a massive social need, which is promoted in the media.

At the same time, there is very little reliable scientific data on the negative impact of procedures that are positioned as “health of the nation.” Such a statement is not true. In Russia, the industry is practically uncontrolled; there are no official standards, certifications or rules for solariums. It is important to take this into account when deciding for yourself whether it is worth using artificial tanning and how to visit a solarium correctly.

Recommendations for use

Despite the lack of standards for the selection of equipment and its use in Russia, the service of solariums in domestic cosmetology exists. And thousands of women use it regularly. How to minimize the risk and get a beautiful tan without compromising your health? Please adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Don't visit often. It is unacceptable to use the services of a solarium every day. Dermacosmetologist Olga Zabnenkova clarifies that to obtain a rich tan tone, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week. To get a light, golden skin tone, tan twice a month.
  2. Don't use it for a long time. Try not to stay in the capsule for more than seven minutes. Excessive sunbathing leads not only to burns, but also to the formation of age spots, early wrinkles, skin dehydration, menstrual irregularities and swelling.
  3. Specify the type of equipment. Tanning capsules manufactured before 2009 are not subject to certification. No one knows what kind of lamps are installed in them, how intense they are, how dangerous they are. The process of improving equipment was actively underway in Europe from 2009 to 2013. Use the services only of those salons that use equipment made in Europe or America after 2013.
  4. Check the service life of the lamps. Light elements develop their resource in 400-540 hours. If lamps are used longer, they may emit a dangerous spectrum of rays. The same applies to light elements installed literally the day before. You need to spend less time under the rays of “fresh” lamps than usual.

How long can you sunbathe in a capsule? A table of tanning times in a solarium based on your skin type will help you determine a relatively safe period.

Skin type Appearance Features Features of tanning Time, min.
Celtic White skin, blond or red hair, freckles on the face and body, light eyes. The skin does not tan. When exposed to the sun it only turns red. 0-3
Nordic Light skin, brown hair, light or brown eyes. The skin is capable of tanning, but the risk of burns is high. 3-5
Central European Light skin, dark brown or brown hair, brown eyes. If you don't have moles, you can sunbathe. 5-8
Mediterranean Dark skin, dark hair, brown eyes. The tan develops quickly and is maintained when visiting the solarium 1-2 times a week. 8-10

Selection of cosmetics

To protect your skin and get a beautiful, even tone, use special cosmetics for solariums. It is different from beach cosmetics with SPF. The latter contains sun filters that reflect the sun's rays. On the contrary, you need these rays for an even tan.

There are several types of funds.

  1. Developers. In the form of a cream or lotion, recommended for beginners. These products enhance the production of melanin, the dark pigment of the skin, causing the body to darken faster. The active production of melanin is also valuable due to the higher level of the body’s natural protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Bronzers. Products for those who already use a solarium and have acquired a tan. Bronzers are applied before the procedure, stimulate the production of melanin, but additionally moisturize the skin and improve blood circulation.
  3. Fixatives. Products in the form of creams or fluids that are applied after the procedure. They not only help consolidate the results, but also reduce skin stress. Contains moisturizing components, antioxidants, nourishing oils.

Do not use a solarium without appropriate cosmetics! The effect of ultraviolet radiation on unprotected skin is too aggressive. Instead of tanning, you risk getting discomfort, dryness and flaking of the skin.

Memo for a beginner

So, how to go to a solarium if you are going there for the first time? We offer simple rules for visiting a solarium for the first time.

  1. Plan for the morning. Such a procedure is stressful for the body, which can disrupt sleep. Plan your first visit in the morning, for example, before work, so that your body returns to normal by the evening.
  2. Take a shower. Wash off cosmetics, traces of perfume, and deodorant from your body. All foreign substances can cause burns or allergies during the session.
  3. Do not eat before or immediately after the procedure. It is better that at least an hour passes after eating. If you're hungry, drink a glass of milk or yogurt.
  4. Use disposable protective equipment. The salon should give you free chest protectors, glasses, slippers, a head cap and a mat. All these protective equipment must be disposable to ensure hygiene requirements. If you are not offered any of this, refuse the salon’s services.
  5. Don't sunbathe topless. The mammary glands are extremely susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Its aggressive effects cause breast cancer. Cover your breasts with disposable breast pads or keep your bra on.
  6. Apply before tanning. It will protect the skin from drying out.
  7. Control your time. For the first procedure, half the recommended time is enough. In the future, you can increase the duration of sessions.
  8. Take a cool shower after the session. This will help cool your skin and make you feel better.
  9. Apply after sun product. It will protect the skin and maintain the results obtained.
  10. Use a tanning bed regularly, but not often. Tanning quickly means losing your spectacular skin tone just as quickly. A lasting effect is achieved by regularity, short procedures 3-4 times a month.

Listen to your general well-being after the session. Did it cause any discomfort? Schedule the next one in a week. Over the next seventy-two hours, your skin will show the accumulated melanin and become darker.

7 popular questions about solariums

Let's look at popular questions and misconceptions about using a solarium.

  1. Are treatments beneficial for psoriasis? “Psoriasis is a pathological skin condition in which physiotherapeutic procedures, including phototherapy, are useful and can be used,” comments Lyudmila Znamenskaya, head of the dermatology department of the State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology. - But medical procedures have nothing to do with solariums. Treatment should only be carried out in a medical facility equipped with certified equipment.”
  2. Which device to choose - vertical or horizontal? There is no difference between the capsules. Only in the vertical one you will stand without touching the walls, and in the horizontal one you can lie down and relax. The only point is sanitary cleaning of horizontal capsules. Ask the salon staff to perform it with you, immediately before the procedure.
  3. What do you need for a solarium to get the healthiest tan? Tanning in itself is not only not useful, but also harmful. Darkening of the skin is its protective reaction from ultraviolet radiation. Tanning salons use UVA rays, an element of the solar spectrum that causes premature aging of the skin. Their excessive doses cause catastrophic consequences. “The result may appear in 10 years,” warns dermacosmetologist Olga Zabnenkova, “when at forty you look sixty.” Also, with a special love for the artificial “sun,” persistent pigment spots form on the bridge of the nose, cheekbones, and above the upper lip, pores expand, and viral diseases worsen.
  4. Is tanning in a solarium safer than in the regular sun? No tanning can be considered completely safe. But if you compare a short session of visiting a solarium with a three-hour visit to the beach at lunchtime, a solarium will indeed do less harm.
  5. Should I cover moles or tattoos during a session? If there are an abundance of moles, artificial and natural tanning are prohibited. The procedures may cause the growth of malignant tumors. A tattoo is a place where the skin is damaged. In injured areas, melanin usually accumulates more actively, which causes hyperpigmentation or age spots.
  6. What to do to tan your legs? The skin of our body is saturated with dark pigment unevenly. When exposed to the sun, the face, shoulders, and arms usually tan faster. But the legs are the last to darken. You don't need to do anything. The tan will become more pronounced after several regular treatments.
  7. Is a solarium useful for oily skin and inflammation on the face? Ultraviolet light has an anti-inflammatory effect, but this effect is temporary. Immediately after the procedure, the rashes may dry out, but in the short term the skin will respond with increased oiliness, decreased local immunity and an abundance of rashes. In addition, in areas with inflammation, pigment accumulates more actively, which is why pigment spots form. If you have acne, visiting a solarium is contraindicated.

Solarium is a controversial way to get a tan. In some countries of the world, this procedure is prohibited, as it contributes to the development of severe skin and eye diseases. In Russia it is not prohibited, but there are no legislative standards in the field of certification and use of equipment. Understanding the technique of how to sunbathe correctly in a solarium will help you reduce the risks of dangerous diseases. Follow these guidelines if achieving a darker skin tone is necessary.

Ten rules for tanning in a solarium

First rule
Your hair, just like your skin, needs protection. When visiting a solarium, you need to tie a scarf or a cotton cap on your head. Unprotected hair exposed to solarium rays will become dry and brittle.

Second rule

Bring sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays with you to the solarium. Closed eyelids will not provide reliable eye protection.

Third rule
Conventional sunscreens are not suitable for use in a solarium, because the nature of the sun's rays is different, and melanin is formed under their influence. Before going to the solarium, you should apply a special product to your body; it will protect you from burns.

Fourth rule
You should not apply nourishing face cream before going to the solarium. The cream is applied to the body in a dense layer, since the skin on the face is thinner than on the body and the blood vessels are located closer to the surface of the skin.

Fifth rule
Do not shower with soap or other products containing alkali. Thus, they temporarily disrupt its protective layer and destroy the acidity of the skin. These factors allow you to get burned. Therefore, you can use soap 2 hours before visiting the solarium, and if there is such a need, you can use a product with a pH that is close to the pH of the skin.

Sixth rule
Makeup is prohibited in the solarium. The only thing you can use is chapstick. Decorative cosmetics with ultraviolet filters are not allowed. In addition, you cannot use aromatic oils, perfumes and deodorants.

Seventh rule
Choose the type of solarium that's right for you. They are divided into 2 groups - horizontal and vertical. A horizontal solarium is characterized by weak lamps and a longer stay, which is compensated by the excellent opportunity to relax. A vertical solarium is characterized by a quick tan, at most in 15 minutes, it turns out uniform due to the increased power of the lamps. In a professional solarium, the main condition is the presence of 28 or more lamps.

Eighth rule
Not all medications can be combined with a visit to the solarium. To find out whether you can use a solarium and take certain medications, you need to consult a doctor. If they are not compatible, this may be fraught with the consequences of an allergy to the sun.

Ninth Rule
Women over 30 need to take care of themselves more than others. When sunbathing in a solarium, you need to wear a bra and panties, and do not expose intimate areas to intense radiation. Elderly women need to be careful in the solarium, as the radiation will cause discomfort in the joints and rheumatic pain.

Tenth Rule
During and after solarium, the work of various functions and internal organs in the body is activated, so after the session you can go for a leisurely walk or sit and relax. It is recommended to drink a cup of freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea. After tanning, it is not recommended to take a cold shower.

Beach season is just around the corner, but short shorts and open tops look nicer on a tanned body. There are two ways to bronze skin: self-tanning and solarium. We don’t consider the first one - it washes off quickly, lays down unevenly... But a solarium is an excellent choice!

How to prepare for an even, safe tan, what products to use, how much time to spend on the procedure? Let's figure it out in order.

How to prepare for a trip to the solarium?

We take a shower and thoroughly treat the skin with a scrub or a hard exfoliating washcloth (add ground coffee to your body milk and get an economical version of a homemade scrub). Thanks to this peeling, your skin will acquire an even, beautiful tan.

We apply body moisturizer so that the skin does not look tired after tanning. Photo: Depositphotos

How to tan properly?

We buy stikini from the administrator (special stickers on the chest so that the delicate skin is not damaged; they can be replaced with a thick layer of sunscreen).

Apply the bronzer cream evenly over the entire body (recommended, but not required).

We put on a hair cap and go sunbathing in just a thong. If the solarium is vertical, and the salon’s reputation is reliable, we tan “in what mom gave birth in.”

We put rings, chains, and bracelets in our purse so that they do not leave light spots on a tanned body.

While tanning, try to hold your hands up so that the backs of your hands are also tanned.
Photo: Depositphotos

It is not recommended to visit the solarium during pregnancy or menstruation. This can cause pressure surges or increased skin sensitivity.

If during tanning you suddenly feel severe discomfort (darkening in your eyes, difficulty breathing), stop and do not continue the procedure. Drink water and contact the salon administrator for help.

After visiting the solarium, your skin is slightly dry, so it is better to take a cool shower and apply a nourishing body cream. If you used bronzer in the solarium, postpone the shower for 3-5 hours. During this time, you can go through online stores in search of a new top.

How not to harm your skin in a solarium?

Everything needs moderation. And even more so during sunbathing! If you know that your skin will get sunburned on your first day at the beach, then use the solarium with caution. Apply sunscreen on your first visit and check the effect the next day. If redness and fever do not appear, the procedure time can be increased.
Photo: Depositphotos

As for the type of solarium, it is better to choose a vertical one. It is psychologically more comfortable and gives relative freedom of movement. Just imagine how you will turn or raise your arms in a horizontal solarium!

Don't try to achieve maximum effect in a short time. In winter, the skin becomes unaccustomed to the sun and becomes susceptible to UV rays. Be patient, just a few visits to the salon - and all your friends and acquaintances will envy your chocolate tan.