How to pump up a girl's arms?

In this matter, the training strategy is completely determined by personal beauty guidelines. For an athlete who competes in body fitness competitions, the principles of training will be the same as for men - in terms of muscles, our anatomy is identical. But most women still strive for the silhouette of a chiseled figurine with light muscle contours. So we will have to consider both cases.

To begin with, we will present an indicative training complex with an emphasis on the hands. It is suitable for both men and girls who are not afraid of the prospect of “pumping up the top.” You may be surprised by the large number of exercises in it where the arms are not involved in any way - hyperextension, for example. There are two reasons for this.

The first thing is that you have a full-fledged training plan in front of you, where you no longer need to add “on-duty” exercises, for example, on the abs. It's hard to imagine a girl who cares more about the size of her biceps than the rest of her body. Secondly, if we want to “pump up” something, then we mean a general increase in mass. To “build up” 1 cm of biceps, a man has to gain up to 4-5 kg ​​of muscle mass evenly throughout his body. It is even more difficult for a woman to achieve such results due to her physiology (low levels of testosterone, the main hormone responsible for fat loss and muscle growth), but the means will be exactly the same. This is a mass-gaining diet and split training with a separate exercise regimen.

  1. Day 1 (hard, a rest day is required before and after)
  2. Day 2
  3. Day 3

Day 1 (hard, a rest day is required before and after)

  1. Crunches on an incline bench or on a Roman chair (10-15x3).

  2. Dips with elbows tucked in (6-10x4). Can be replaced with push-ups from a bench from behind or from the floor with a narrow grip.
  3. Arm extension on a vertical block or French bench press with a barbell (10-15x4).
  4. Reverse grip vertical block chest row (10x3). If you can do pull-ups, do it with a reverse grip instead of deadlifts (8-10x3).
  5. Standing curls with a barbell or curved bar (10-15x4).
  6. Extensions from a vertical block (10-15x3).
  7. Seated knee dumbbell curls (10-15x3).
  8. Wrist curls with a barbell (10-15x3).
  9. Wrist extensions with a barbell (10-15x3).
  1. Hyperextensions (10-15x3).
  2. Deadlift with a barbell (4-8x4).
  3. Standing barbell chest press (7-10x3).
  4. Standing row with dumbbells or a barbell (10-15x3). You can do crossover swings.
  5. Bend dumbbell swings to the sides (10-15x3). Or swing from the lower block to the sides.
  6. Standing overhead barbell press (8x3).
  7. Bent-over barbell row with reverse grip (8-10x3). Can be replaced with a T-bar row.

Day 3

  1. Hanging leg raises (10-20x3). You can also perform the exercise in an emphasis position or replace it with any other abdominal exercises.
  2. Squats with a barbell behind your back (8x3). An alternative is to squat on a HAKK machine.
  3. Dumbbell press at 30° (8-12x4).
  4. Leg curls in the simulator (10-15x3).
  5. Pullover lying flat or with dumbbells (10-15x3). Can be replaced with rows from a vertical block on straight arms.

In this case, a typical mass-gaining diet is needed, since it is completely impossible to pump up a girl’s arms without a sufficient amount of protein (15 g per 10 kg of body weight). Basic principles of nutrition ㅡ there should not be an interval of more than 3-4 hours between meals; portions are small, but concentrated in calories, fat and fast carbohydrates to a minimum, immediately after training ㅡ protein or protein-containing food, without fat and caffeine. The latter prevents the replenishment of glycogen reserves in the muscles, so coffee ㅡ no earlier than 2 hours after protein. From sports nutrition before training, pre-workout supplements and creatine are appropriate; gainers ㅡ for lack of mass (not just muscle mass, but any mass in general). Anabolic steroids, like political views, are everyone's personal business. Since we're talking about this, Anavar, Primobolan, Oxymetholone, and Boldenone are considered the least risky for women.

All of the above is suitable for use by individuals, and then only with some reservations. By and large, this is the answer to the question: how to pump up a girl’s arms if she’s tired of being a girl. If your upper body just lags slightly with regular training, the conversation will be completely different.

If you are new to the gym, or have been working out for a long time and are generally happy with your body, then to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, it is not necessary to pump them up on purpose. This means ㅡ purposefully pump them up using isolation exercises. In all presses and push-ups, the triceps will be sufficiently involved indirectly. The biceps will be involved in the same way in pull-ups and rows.

If exercises of this type do not lead to the desired result, then this is a reason to quickly reconsider your diet, the number of repetitions and approaches, and your rest regimen after training. Adding isolation exercises, for example, dumbbell curls or extensions on a block machine, should only be done when the previous condition is 100% met.

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