How to train your breathing?

Having a well-developed respiratory tract is not a luxury for a modern person, but rather a necessary necessity. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to do without this even when doing not very heavy homework. What can we say about athletes, for whom good breathing is a matter of life and death.

How to train your breathing?

This page will tell you how to train your breathing, which is what this article will talk about.

The topic is undoubtedly important, because lack of air in the lungs is a significant problem for performing many exercises in bodybuilding, fitness, and crossfit. That is, it is important to ensure a large vital capacity of the lungs. This can be done both with the help of some exercises in the gym, and by visiting the pool, jogging at the stadium, race walking, and cross-country skiing.

The first thing that comes to mind for anyone who wants to train their breathing is, of course, running, but doing it correctly is not at all as easy as it might seem to someone at first glance. If the weather and circumstances allow you to run at a stadium or cross-country, this is great, but if necessary, the work environment can be replaced by a gym with a treadmill.

Firstly, you need to take care of the comfort of your shoes; running in sneakers is completely inadvisable, especially in slippers. You should always start with a warm-up, that is, warming up your body well, and then start slowly jogging, gradually increasing the pace and thus allowing your heart to get into rhythm.

How to train your breathing?

You don’t need to exercise every day; for starters, 2-3 workouts a week will be enough, because tired muscles will need to recover. Running time for a beginner should not be too long - 15 minutes is enough, then you should walk for another 5 minutes. As you gain experience and strength, try to increase the training time, and sometimes do short-distance races, training both the jerk and the new breathing amplitude. The preferred time for training is 5-6 pm if you are a night owl and 8-10 am if you are a morning person.

Swimming in the pool, or in the summer in a river or lake, will have a positive effect on increasing your lung capacity, and over time this will be noticeable in the enlargement of your chest. This sport is perhaps the most suitable for the purposes we have outlined, so be sure to add a visit to the pool to your training plan - you will only benefit from it.

If you are still looking for how to train your breathing, then you can try another extremely effective recipe: jumping rope is a favorite breathing option for all boxers and martial arts representatives. They include a jump rope in their training program without fail. Jumping over a rope is very easy to perform, everyone is familiar with it from childhood, while breathing quickens and with each training the capacity of your lungs increases. In general, breathing can be trained when performing almost any intense work in motion, the main thing is not to overdo it with its frequency and duration.