What exercises should you not do during pregnancy?

The right set of exercises for a pregnant woman will help control weight gain, improve blood circulation and overall well-being, and lift your mood. The duration of training should be 30-40 minutes. It is not recommended to work while holding your breath, or to perform physical actions of a static and isometric nature, which are described in more detail in this article. In order not to cause complications, a woman should have a good idea of ​​what exercises should not be done during pregnancy.

  1. Unacceptable loads.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Stretching.

Unacceptable loads.

Physical activity for expectant mothers is significantly reduced a woman should always work according to how she feels, and not make sudden movements or jerks. The vertical position of the body is prohibited. The best positions that are most suitable for pregnant women are on your knees or sitting on a fitball.

Loads accompanied by increased intra-abdominal pressure.

You should not perform movements with force leading to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, such as:

  1. any strength exercises - vertical block rows, pullovers, arm presses, lying leg presses
  2. squats - both half squats and deep squats
  3. lifting weights, working with weights that a woman cannot lift 15-20 times.

The expectant mother should not perform abdominal exercises, bending the body, or twisting. Some of the movements that pregnant women should not do include hyperextension, lunges, and jumping. You cannot run on a treadmill running is replaced by walking on an elliptical. Inverted asanas in yoga - “plow”, “birch tree” - are contraindicated. One should refrain from asanas in which the buttocks are higher than the head. You should not do exercises with stretching your arms up, as well as deep bends.


It is useful for pregnant women to swim in the pool and do aqua aerobics, but there are contraindications here too. Not allowed in the pool:

  1. jogging in the water
  2. dive
  3. jump into the water
  4. dive to depth with an oxygen apparatus.

It is forbidden to make sudden movements, some swimming styles. Which? - for example, crawl or butterfly.

Stretching the abdominal muscles poses a danger to pregnancy and can cause uterine tone and miscarriage. Stretching at this time is also dangerous because pregnant women’s joints are prepared for childbirth and are characterized by increased flexibility. If you overstretch the muscles, you can get dislocated joints.

Pregnant women are not allowed to participate in sports competitions, football, or volleyball. Horseback riding, roller skating and skateboarding are excluded. For the first three months of pregnancy, it is advisable to abstain altogether from physical training. Well, then, after consulting with the doctor who is observing you, and finding out what kind of loads are right for you, slowly gradually add them to your daily schedule, because you shouldn’t give up sports, even when preparing to become a mother! This is useful both for the baby’s future and for his mother! So introduce your baby to sports and a healthy lifestyle even from these days and be healthy!

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