
Krepatura is pain that appears in muscle tissue. She directly interconnected with content lactic acid in muscles and others toxins, also produced during heavy exercise. Thus, it turns out that soreness is, to a greater extent, reaction our body to excessive muscle activity.

Now let's try to find out what really threatens us? What is the danger of sore throat? Any of us has experienced this pain and inability to fully move the next day after intense exercise. Most trainers, back in the eighties, attributed this to lactic acid accumulated in muscle tissue. Some trainers in modern fitness centers also resort to the same opinion. However, this is not true, so run away from such “would-be experts”...

Scientists have now found new rationale this problem. Let's try to explain it in detail:

Each organ of our body requires energy, which he receives when breathing from organic molecules. Nutrients produced by further chemical reactions are broken down into water and carbon dioxide. The energy remains at the disposal of many cells. Myself oxygen our organs are received together with blood. Similar processes occur with muscles. But due to training it occursdisproportionality their masses (for example, the quadriceps muscle of the leg is 3-4 kg in an adult) and blood volume, involved in this process of saturating muscle tissue with oxygen. Simply put, it is not enough during intense workload. And in this case it comes into force backup energy enrichment mechanism, which breaks down nutrients not into the usual water and carbon dioxide, but into an intermediate substance - lactic acid. In other words, splitting process does not reach its end.

But this process and this acid cannot be called harmful! After all, it improves blood supply to the muscles involved in training by dilating blood vessels. It also forces blood cells to give out oxygen to the maximum. And finally, lactic acid after the end of the workout is transported to the liver, where it is converted into glucose.

Today it is generally accepted that this post-workout pain causes many microcracksappearing in muscle fibers. Strength depends not so much on the intensity of training, but on load type. The likelihood of getting microcracks during physical activity is much greater not during the contraction phase, but precisely at the moment of its stretching.

Thus, Professor Dieter Behring from Germany puts forward the following causes of sore throat:
  1. active load after long-term abstinence or a break.
  2. severe overvoltage,
  3. uncontrollable muscle cramps,
  4. performing new complex exercises not previously used in training.

The appearance of pain only after some time is due to the remoteness of the ends of the pain nerves. When organic fluid passes through many cracks in the muscles, the muscle threads become inflamed, thereby impairing blood circulation. This is where the pain comes from inflammatory process.

These microtraumas and the inflammation they cause are in no way related to injuries such as muscle rupture And Crick. After all, this is damage received on micro level, that is, only a few individual cells are affected, and in different parts of the muscle group. After all, for cells that are a hundredth of a millimeter in size, muscle tissue is a huge “field for activity.” But if during training a couple of millimeters or even centimeters are damaged, then here we will talk about more serious things, such as sprains or even ruptures, requiring specialist supervision and surgical intervention. It follows that microtraumas are practically normal for muscular work, and even with simple physical activity in everyday life. But tears and sprains are a consequence incorrect load and the reason for a radical revision of the training program.

What to do and how to train during the period of feeling muscle pain caused by sore throat? Inflammation, under no circumstances, should be suppressed - the body needs it! Because damaged cells die off, and new ones, restored thanks to special regulatory substances, take their place. But it is also not recommended to load a “cracked” muscle. Because of this she cannot recover normally, since new fibers do not appear at the site of the wounds, but fibrous formations are formed, in other words, microscars that cannot heal from training to training. This should be avoided, as this will subsequently lead to weakening of the muscle, and with increasing load, to stretching or rupture.

So, we found out that for sore throat the best reducing agent is is rest. It would also be a good idea to take warm bath, mini-warm-up or warm-up without stress has a positive effect, easy massage. The inflammation will certainly pass, and the muscle will be ready for a new workout and greater load.

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