Fundamentals of athletic training. Training room. Athletes' equipment.

Athletic training is a set of activities and training tasks performed to improve health, increase strength and mass of muscle groups. A system of internal (the athlete’s readiness to achieve a certain result) and external (means, methods and conditions for training the athlete) factors allows one to successfully solve the main tasks of the training process. For this purpose, various means of training and recovery after sports activities, specialized nutrition, and organization of a general regime in accordance with the conditions of work and sports activities of those involved are widely used.

Bodybuilder training includes:

  1. training,
  2. competitions,
  3. extra-training and extra-competitive factors that complement training and competition, enhancing their effect or accelerating recovery processes after exercise.

Athletic training is successfully carried out on equipment that is installed on sports grounds, in apartments, gyms of enterprises, universities, schools, and preschool institutions. With their help, you can monitor the basic parameters of the body’s vital functions - the number of steps, tempo, rhythm, amount of effort developed, etc.

The main source of increased strength abilities is an increase in muscle strength. The indicators that determine the manifestation of endurance depend on the mass of muscle tissue: maximum oxygen consumption, maximum oxygen debt, total energy capacity. Consequently, rationally performed strength work directly affects the increase in strength and muscle mass and indirectly determines the increase in energy capabilities necessary for the manifestation of speed and special endurance of both athletes and representatives of a number of professions.

Athleticism can be used for sports and recreational purposes, using various methodological approaches to organizing and conducting the training process. The effectiveness of athletic training depends on the equipment of the training places and the equipment of the trainees, the time of training, their preliminary preparation, the peculiarities of the structure of the educational and training process, the contingent, etc.

Let's consider the main methodological and organizational requirements for the educational and training process.

  1. Preparing places for bodybuilding and equipping bodybuilders.
  2. Requirements for a gym or training place
  3. Clothes for bodybuilders

When equipping training complexes in special premises at the housing office, in schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, universities, in production, on collective and state farms, it is necessary to choose equipment that will most help solve health problems. These simulators and training devices can be bought in stores or directly ordered (piece by piece or as a set) from specialized manufacturing companies, or manufactured in-house.

Requirements for a gym or training place

It is not at all necessary to engage in bodybuilding, fitness or athletic gymnastics in expensive paid clubs. It is quite possible to make your own home gym or corner and conduct training there. The main requirement for a gym is that it be warm, well ventilated and ventilated, protected from drafts. Well, in the summer, having a good air conditioner in the room will be a good help. Fortunately, now this is not a problem, and anyone can install such a device for themselves by spending a small amount of money. The main thing is to take not just any Chinese one, but a good, reliable and durable branded air conditioner, such as Fujitsu. Well, professional fitness clubs are required to be equipped with such air conditioners, otherwise in the summer, all the visitors would immediately run away from them in the rush...

It is also desirable that the gym be as spacious as possible - it is quite problematic to train when everything is cluttered, and you have to approach the next machine or rack sideways or climb over something. Therefore, it is important that the area of ​​the gym matches the amount of equipment it has. The unspoken requirement for room space is 2 square meters for each simulator. Moreover, this is the minimum; if there is more, this is only a plus.

Another significant advantage for any gym is the presence of mirrors. Reflection will always help us evaluate ourselves and our achievements from the outside, control the correctness of the movement technique, and so on...

Of course, the material base of the club, the quantity and quality of equipment, exercise equipment, and the number of visitors are of great importance, because if the room is not crowded, and you have to constantly “stand in line” to get to the next exercise machine, then this is of course no longer training... But about all of these We will definitely tell you about these moments in our next articles, but for now we will focus on what clothing should be for bodybuilders or, in other words, the requirements for the equipment of a modern athlete.

Clothes for bodybuilders

Getting daily physical activity and training with heavy weights, you need to take care of the quality of your equipment. Clothing for bodybuilders should be comfortable, not restrict movement, and easily absorb moisture. On your feet - sports slippers, but better - specialized weightlifting shoes with hard soles. It is advisable to use wristbands - elastic cuffs that are worn on the wrists and forearms and protect your ligaments from sprains and other injuries. Don’t forget about the weightlifting belt when performing deadlifts, squats or other super-heavy basic exercises with prohibitive weights...

Also regarding equipment, one of the most important rules is that, regardless of the price and manufacturer of your suit, it must first of all be clean. Clothes for bodybuilders should never be sweaty and greasy from training a week ago, unless, of course, you want to get dermatitis, fungus or some other skin disease. Bodybuilders, remember: a cheap suit, but clean, is better than an expensive and famous one, but with stains on the back from your salt...

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