We answer the question: muscle drying, what is it? And how to do it correctly?

Anyone who started bodybuilding has heard the word “drying” more than once in the gym. It would seem, what does drying have to do with it? After all, the hall is not a laundry room. And nothing is painted. It's like we have muscles here. So the novice athlete asks the question: what is it? In fact, this is a very interesting and very difficult process that every bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast should know about. Powerlifters, in principle, are not interested in this procedure. Because they don't care how defined their muscles look. Lifters are only interested in the amount of weight being lifted. But bodybuilders are naturally very concerned about relief...

By and large, from a strategic point of view, bodybuilding as a process can be divided into two periods:

  1. gaining muscle mass. The training methodology and nutrition are such that the athlete gains as much muscle mass as possible in the allotted period of time. This is impossible without gaining weight. It is for this reason that bodybuilders in the “off-season” are so huge, fat and clumsy. They train hard, eat a lot of food, get a lot of rest;
  2. burning excess fat so that muscle mass is not damaged. During this period, the training program is already different. The nutrition system, products, and sports supplements are also completely changing. Aerobic exercises are added. This period in the preparation of a bodybuilder is called drying.

If you came to the gym with serious intentions, then you will have to go this way too. There is simply no other way. It is impossible to gain muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat at the same time! First, gain weight, and then burn fat. So to answer the question: “muscle drying, what is it?” very simple. This is burning subcutaneous fat so that the muscles look more prominent. But at the same time no less large in volume.

  1. covers current energy costs from subcutaneous fat when performing aerobic work;
  2. converting fatty acids into ketone bodies in the liver.
Workouts aimed at emphasizing muscle relief.

We won’t talk for long about training while drying muscles. With him everything is simple and more or less clear. If you train 3 times a week, then continue to train the same way. Just after you finish doing all the exercises, spend 20 minutes doing aerobics. Most bodybuilders prefer an exercise bike or a treadmill. Although the elliptical trainer is most effective. Here, as they say, it’s not for everybody.

And on those days when you have a break from training, you should find 45 minutes for aerobics. If you get the courage, you can study for the full 90 minutes. But no more. That's all about training.

Sports nutrition during terrain training.

You should understand how sports nutrition differs from anabolic steroids. These are completely different things. Properly selected sports nutrition is the bodybuilder’s first assistant. Especially when drying muscles. After all, what is this process? — Limiting carbohydrates in the diet, first of all. And carbohydrates, in addition to causing the formation of subcutaneous fat, bring many benefits to the body. And when carbohydrates are not supplied, many things are disrupted in the body. This is where specialized sports nutrition will help you.

  1. Protein. Ideally, this should be whey protein isolate. It is necessary for the athlete to ensure that the body does not lack protein. Take protein in the morning, after you wake up, before training 30 minutes before it and immediately after training to close the “window”. Naturally, in the form of a cocktail. If finances allow, then you can take a protein shake between meals;
  2. BCAA.– this is the best remedy that prevents catabolism. Amino acids also suppress the feeling of hunger that occurs when drying. Believe me: this supplement has no equal. Therefore, if in your training program you have reached the point of drying out your muscles, then you cannot do without BCAAs. The supplement should be taken in the morning, before and after training;
  3. Creatine. Helps you maintain your strength. Accepted depending on the weight of the athlete.

This is the most difficult part of the fat burning process. If you understand how to eat properly so that you burn subcutaneous fat without losing muscle mass, then consider that you know the answer to the question: what is proper muscle drying?

Before you start “drying”, you should know that this is a serious test for your body. The heart, liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract begin to work at maximum efficiency. Therefore, if you suffer from various diseases of these organs, it is better not to dry muscles at all. It should be replaced by protein-carbohydrate alternation. You can't risk your health!

If your health is in order, then still take preventive measures before starting. Two weeks before the expected start of “drying out”, start taking hepatoprotectors.

Plan your time so that while working on the relief you do not have to go on long business trips, trips and vacations, or participate in feasts (weddings, etc.).

We lower the calorie content gradually. Gradually. By no means harsh.

In the first week, all animal fats (cheese, butter, etc.) and fast carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery, etc.) are excluded from the diet. But vegetable fats are not limited. Olive and sunflower oil, fatty fish can be eaten as much as the body requires. Also, the diet should contain a certain amount of slow carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, unsweetened fruits, wholemeal bread, etc.). There should be a lot of protein in the diet. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain muscle mass. Experienced bodybuilders even increase the amount of protein by replacing carbohydrates with it. If you are a beginner, you should not do this. Plant the buds. This requires experience. You eat this way for 4 weeks. Minimum.

The third stage is the most difficult. In addition to continuing the carbohydrate-free diet, the maximum possible amount of fluid is removed from the body. This is done immediately before the competition, since in principle one cannot hold out for more than 7 days in this state.

And a couple of days before the competition, carbohydrate load. Your muscles have tightened from the lack of water and carbohydrates. And if you take carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index, then the previous muscle volume will quickly be restored. And the body simply physically does not have time to accumulate subcutaneous fat.

That’s actually all the wisdom and tricks that have long been used by all professional bodybuilders when preparing for serious tournaments. Now you know almost everything about this process, and you can try it yourself, as they say, on your own skin... For beginners, we recommend: closer to summer, so that you can look spectacular and advantageous on the beach in just swimming trunks...

Of course, this is all quite complicated. Therefore, before you take such actions, think twice: do you really want this?

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