Torso rotations

Torso rotations with weights - another unique exercise for the abdominal press, which carries out a targeted, accentuated effect on oblique muscles Your torso.

In fitness, athleticism and bodybuilding, there are several options for performing this exercise:

  1. Standing upright
  2. Standing, leaning forward,
  3. Sitting on a horizontal bench.

How to perform body turns correctly?

  1. The most important and important thing: never perform this movement with an impressive “cold” load. Be sure to warm up and warm up thoroughly in order to minimize the possibility of getting a sports injury, because performing this movement you can get injured literally on the very first repetition!
  2. Place a barbell, gymnastics stick or athletics pole on your shoulders,
  3. Perform cyclic rotations (rotations of the body) in different directions: now to the left, now to the right.
  4. The main thing is not to bend your back.
  5. When performing turns in each direction, it is necessary to make volitional contractions of the lateral abdominal muscles.
  6. The number of cyclic repetitions in the approach should be at least thirty.

The weight of the projectile does not necessarily have to be impressive. Here, the correct technique and the number of repetitions and approaches, the number of which should be large, are much more important. At the initial stage, the exercise can be performed with a bare bar or even with a gymnastic stick. By the way, this and many other sporting goods can be purchased wholesale in the online store There is a huge amount of equipment and accessories for every taste, both for beginners and professional level athletes. We recommend!

Many athletes neglect the “torso rotation” exercise and do not take it seriously - and in vain. The exercise is really very effective, useful and effective. Try it!

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