Warm-up and cool-down are the most important phases of the training process.

Dear visitor to our site, since you are reading these lines now, it means that you and I share one common hobby: working with iron in the gym. You, like the rest of us, love to squeeze the grooved handles of weightlifting equipment in your palms... But tell me, honestly, how often do you warm up before each of your workouts? Do you do it sometimes? But not always? What about cool-down and relaxation exercises after a well-executed workout? – as statistics show: a very small number of athletes regularly warm up at the beginning of their physical activity, and there’s nothing even to say about the cool-down – most bodybuilders completely ignore it. And very much in vain...

So, in this article we will shed light on these godforsaken, but very important phases of the training process. And, first, let's think: why do warm-ups and cool-downs exist at all? Maybe you can really do without them? I came to the gym, loaded the barbell more, and started lifting! Why the hell waste so much precious time on this nonsense?

In fact, anyone who thinks this way is always at great risk of getting a serious injury in the short term: for example, a sprain, or perhaps a rupture of ligaments or tendons, and also of developing some kind of chronic disease in the long term: for example, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension , hypotension or hypertension.

And why all? Yes, because warming up prepares our body for the upcoming shocking physical activity that the latter receives during strength training. Warm-up exercises warm up the muscles, stretch them thoroughly, stretch out the ligaments, and tone the mobility of the joints. In parallel with this, our heart, respiratory and circulatory systems are also preparing for the upcoming hard work; pressure gradually rises, body temperature increases, and metabolic processes inside the body accelerate. And the most important thing is that all this proceeds smoothly, without sudden sharp stress for our body - this is the main task of the warm-up phase.

I hope we have convinced you of the importance and expediency of these, albeit short, but so beneficial for health stages of any training session. Remember: 15 minutes before the main training and 10 minutes after its completion will significantly improve your health and protect you from potential injuries. Train correctly and don't get sick!

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See you at the gym! And good progress in your training! Don't switch...

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