Regular aerobic exercise is a guarantee of your health and longevity!

We have already repeatedly told you, our dear readers, about the benefits of warming up and cooling down as the most important components of any training process. The introductory part of any physical activity helps to thoroughly stretch, warm up and stretch the muscles. In turn, its aerobic component prepares our heart, lungs and circulatory system for the upcoming hyper-powerful load, which they will also receive when working with heavy weights, equipment and exercise machines...

Here is a short instructive story about the benefits of aerobic warm-up, as well as what happens if you ignore it all the time.

Some friends invited me to have some active fun - to play bowling... Having hit a strike several times and being quite hungry, I decided to eat a little, since we had a buffet at the bowling alley. No alcohol, just juices and light snacks - of course, all the athletes, bodybuilders, fitness trainers gathered... Everyone is for a healthy lifestyle and active pastime...

By the way, a great option for active recreation after training is bowling! It’s fun, and exciting, and in the company of like-minded people. The game is not difficult and does not require heavy physical effort. But what adrenaline, excitement and thirst for victory. Plus a great opportunity to communicate with colleagues...

So, I continue the story: I went up to the buffet table and saw: Seryoga standing - my old friend, multiple champion of various bodybuilding competitions at the regional and European level. Well, we got to talking, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, how are you doing, what’s the news and all that. And then I had the imprudence to ask why it had been so long since I had seen my old friend at any recent competition. But before, Gray was always a regular at every such event. To which my friend, a promising and promising athlete, told me a sad story about his health problems. He says: he was tormented by hypertension, his blood pressure was always high, both upper and lower. Constant headaches, poor health, I have to take pills all the time and regularly go for a cardiogram. In general, a classic set of experienced hypertensive patients...

What does this whole cautionary tale tell us? The fact that aerobic warm-up is an obligatory part of the general warm-up, which should never be ignored under any circumstances, otherwise you will ruin your heart and circulatory system. Cardio exercise should make up at least 30% of your total workout time. If this is not the case, and you shift the emphasis towards strength exercises to the detriment of aerobic exercises, then sooner or later you will be in serious trouble. Remember, we have one health, and no one will give us another like it. In addition to muscles and beautiful appearance, there are also internal organs, on the proper functioning of which our health, our well-being, our mood, and our future depend. And the main rule in everything: do no harm! So take heart, our dear readers, learn better from the mistakes of others, rather than from your own. I wish you good health, good and timely knowledge and productive training!

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