A story about how to learn to swim quickly yourself.

Survival in an environment alien to us is an extremely important moment in life for any person. You never know where fate will take you, and you, without expecting it, will find yourself in the water, not knowing how to swim at all? Inevitable death awaits you if no one comes to your aid in time... However, there is another scenario for the development of this situation: prepare yourself and your body in advance for such a turn of fate - learn to swim and not be afraid of water. Our article will tell you how to achieve this. And he will tell you how to do it quickly, as efficiently as possible, and yourself...

But first, I will answer the most frequently asked question, which is curious to every person who cannot swim and is afraid of water. And this question is: How to learn to swim fast? – there is one effective accelerated method, but it is a little scary and dangerous...

We learn to swim extremely quickly.

I'll tell you from my personal experience... I learned to swim at the age of 4. Since then I fell in love with this process, and I still can’t stop loving it. My whole life is closely connected with the pool. I am a swimming instructor and lifeguard... But let's take things in order...

At the age of 4 years old, my grandfather taught me to swim. “How did he do it?” - you ask. – yes, it’s very simple! He just threw me into the water in the lake where we went on vacation in the summer, that’s all! If you want to live, you will swim. By the way, I will tell you, as an instructor, that this is a very effective method! It was with his help that I mastered doggy style swimming.

It’s clear that you can’t let this whole process take its course and turn a blind eye to it. Water does not like pampering and frivolous attitudes. Never play around on the water!

  1. Training in this option should be carried out at shallow depths. So that your teacher confidently stands at the bottom and clearly controls the whole situation, and you, accordingly, cannot stand at the bottom.
  2. The teacher throws you in and lets you swim on your own, but of course, he is ready to come to your aid at any moment: to support you, pull you out, in case you have clearly lost your composure, control over the situation, and go to the bottom with an axe...
  3. The teacher must have the skills of a rescuer, know the basic resuscitation actions and all the nuances of their provision, and in case of urgent need, be able to provide first aid and actually save you if you choke or even drown.
  4. The teacher is always at arm's length, ready to grab you. You swim towards it, but it constantly moves away from you, not allowing you to grab onto it like a life-saving straw. After all, its task is to teach you to swim, and not to teach you to hold on to it.

This method is of course very effective, however, there are smoother, slower options for learning to swim...

Learning to swim slowly but surely.

As we said earlier, the ability to swim is necessary for every person. In summer it is taught in natural reservoirs, and in autumn and winter - in indoor swimming pools.

Classes should be conducted at least every other day, otherwise acquired skills will be lost.

First you need to accustom your body to water. You should start by mastering breathing exercises. You can learn to breathe correctly in water, even on your own, both in the pool and on land, using a bathtub or an ordinary basin. Anyone who immerses their face in water experiences unpleasant and even painful sensations. Water gets into the nose, onto the mucous membrane of the eyes (and they need to be kept open), into the ears, and into the oral cavity. This causes defensiveness and makes learning difficult.

When teaching beginners, swimming technique is extremely simplified. It is based on the correct alternating movements of the arms and legs. Use lead-up exercises by including them in your morning hygienic exercises.

A beginner gets used to the feeling and resistance of water and a moving body, moving along the bottom forward with his chest, back, right and left side, and jumping. Hands should be kept on the waist, behind the head, above, in front, etc.

In the future, they move on to learning the so-called gliding along the surface of the water on the chest and on the back. Pushing off from the bottom or side, change positions: pressing your hand to your body, stretching both up, turning over on your side and back.

Do not rush to master sports swimming methods yourself. Learn to breathe properly while lying down. The first exhalation is performed above the surface, the second - with immersion to the level of the forehead, the third - with the head completely immersed in the water.

Next, having successfully mastered all these techniques, begin to swim little by little under the supervision of an experienced instructor or a well-skilled swimmer, almost like my grandfather’s quick version of training... First, master short distances, but try to strictly follow the plan. Gradually increase the planned path length. Typically, beginners use the doggy style swimming method as the easiest option to master and intuitive for everyone. We can say that it is inherent in us by nature itself at the level of instincts. So use it...

When you feel that you can handle the water well, are not afraid, and are able to overcome impressive distances, move on to mastering more complex swimming methods. Usually the second simplest method after the dog method is “breaststroke”, or as it is also called: “sea style”. This is how all sailors and sailors in the navy used to swim without fail. This option is much more complicated than the dog version, but it is completely simple to learn and quite easy in terms of technical execution.

Having mastered crawl swimming, you reach new horizons in your swimming training. At this stage, we recommend that you purchase swimming goggles, possibly earplugs and a nose clip (this is what you like), and begin to professionally master the Breaststroke and Crawl, with a clearly proven breathing technique, immersing your entire head under water, inhaling and exhaling on a count in different directions and other tricks... But, as they say, this is a completely different story, which we will definitely tell you about in one of our next articles. And the purpose of this article was: to give you step-by-step instructions for teaching a beginner to swim from scratch. I hope we have completed this task in full! See you at the pool!

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