Typical mistakes in bodybuilding and fitness are training only the top.

We are pleased to continue to introduce you, our dear readers, to the ABC of bodybuilding. And in this article on the agenda we have another typical misconception of a classic beginner. Those same rakes that every second wallflower steps on when they barely cross the threshold of the gym...

So, typical mistakes in bodybuilding and fitness are headed by such a classic misconception as ignoring toning the legs. As you know, I think it’s probably no secret to anyone that any young man who gets into the gym for the first time dreams of having powerful, strong, voluminous and sculpted arms, as well as getting broad shoulders that well emphasize a man’s physique... Probably this stereotype continues since those very distant times, when a sign of good physical shape was the display of an arm bent at the elbow: there is a biceps ball - it means you are strong. Well, if you don’t have this treasured ball, then you turn out to be rather weak. So new bodybuilders strive to get this ball as quickly as possible, forgetting about everything else... Indeed, legs - why pump them? I need powerful arms and shoulders, but I can’t see my legs under my trousers...

Of course, this approach is fundamentally wrong! And so that you understand why - here is an article from the very master of modern bodybuilding and fitness, from the six-time Mr. Olympia, from the great and inimitable Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Why shouldn't you ignore your feet? – mistakes that can be avoided.

...at one time a young athlete got into the habit of going to our gym - his name was TJ Coney. But he, like all beginners, had a classic misconception - he pumped only the upper body, completely ignoring the legs. We repeatedly tried to reach him and explain that this was wrong, but he didn’t want to listen to us... Of course, there was some progress in the growth of his volumes, but not at all what TJ expected..

In terms of build and weight, both of these guys were approximately the same, as well as in age and initial anthropometric data. We worked out with approximately the same intensity and frequency - about 2 times a week, for an hour and a half. Only, as you understand: one only pumped the top, and the second only did squats, and did nothing else at all...

After some time (about a year), we were all surprised by a curious fact: Steve looked much better than TJ in terms of top! The muscles of his arms and shoulders were much larger. And in terms of strength indicators, he was also ahead of TJ! Incredible! He didn’t train the top at all! But in fact, he grew better and more efficiently than his comrade, who spent all his time just on the top. Here is such an instructive story...

But now let's ask ourselves: why is this happening? Everything is very simple - this is what Mother Nature and the laws of physics ordered for us! You cannot build a strong house on a weak foundation! If your foundation (that is, your legs) is rather weak, there can be no talk of any powerful walls (that is, the top)! And without working on the foundation, your body simply will not allow you to build high-quality walls - because this is at odds with common sense and logic. But on the contrary: having an excellent foundation, you can talk about reliable, strong walls. Therefore, in our example: ignoring leg training in TJ's training program was a clear mistake, and hindered the progress of muscle growth throughout his upper body. But for Steve it’s the other way around: high-quality work on the foundation of his body gave a positive impetus to the muscle growth of the whole body, even though he didn’t really work on it...

Although, of course, focusing only on the legs is also not right. After all, everything in the body is interconnected! You can’t pump up just some part of it! Only full-fledged harmonious growth of the whole body and all its elements is the most correct solution. So: never ignore any muscle groups, because this will have a detrimental effect on your overall muscle progress. And in general: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link! So don’t allow any obvious weak links. Our task is to ensure that every link is flawless! Then your entire chain will be flawless - which is what we wish for you with all our hearts!

Well, as always, finally, some useful information. Don't know where to usefully spend your vacation or weekend? - there is an excellent solution - the Sport Palace sports club - an elite complex located in a wonderful place: on a picturesque island, where there is everything: gyms, swimming pools, tennis courts, golf simulators, as well as a beauty salon and even a children's room for your child. Relax with the whole family while playing sports - now it has become even easier to combine business and pleasure!

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