Exercises for riding breeches.

Lush hips are in fashion, but impeccable shapes and riding breeches are two different things. So leg exercises are not canceled. How to get the most benefit from breeches exercises? First, devote 25-30 minutes to your feet three times a week. In the initial stages of training, do all exercises for breeches a couple of approaches and 20 times each. Do cardio exercises: aerobic exercises are needed to get rid of riding breeches no less than any other, and they also remove volumes. Finally, be sure to warm up.

  1. A set of exercises for beautiful legs.
  2. Ballet plie.
  3. Ballet circle with foot.
  4. Lunges forward.
  5. Lunges to the side.
  6. We abduct the leg while standing.
  7. Squats.
  8. We abduct the leg while lying down.

A set of exercises for beautiful legs.

We warm up with squats, swings and military jumps. They are performed like this: we place our legs slightly wider than our shoulders and connect our feet in a jump, while raising our arms and clapping our hands. You can run in place, raising your knees high, or with a twitch.

Ballet plie.

We close our legs and pull up our knees. We turn our socks outward to the best of our ability. Don't forget to pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. As you exhale, we squat slowly, and as we inhale, we slowly rise.

Repeat 50 times.

For those who find this too easy a task, pick up a dumbbell or two dumbbells and squat with your legs wide apart (see methodological photo).

Ballet circle with foot.

I.p. – similar to plie. We spread our socks and stretch our arms to the sides.

We stretch our right leg forward, then to the side and place it. We do the same with the left leg. All this is done with a perfectly straight back, stretching upward with the top of the head.

Lunges forward.

We stand straight, feet together. The abs are tense, the back is straight.

We lunge with the left leg, while the right one is straight, and the left one does not extend the knee beyond the heel. Repeat 20 times and start with the right leg.

We stand straight and lunge with our right foot to the right. The feet are parallel. Slightly tilt your body forward and bend your right leg. Having done it 10 times, we move on to working with the left leg.

We abduct the leg while standing.

We stand straight, hands on our belts, tense our abs.

We abduct the leg with the heel turned outward.

When performing the lunge for the last time, we linger a little at the highest point.


The technique is described in detail here. Toes out, feet now shoulder-width apart. We tighten our abs and straighten our back. We stretch out our arms.

We sit down like this until our legs are parallel to the floor. This is useful not only for breeches, but also for the buttocks.

For those who find this too easy a task, do the “pistol” exercise – squats on one leg (see methodological photo).

We abduct the leg while lying down.

We lie on our right side. The supporting hand is the right one, the body is raised. We raise our left leg and make sure that the toe is pointing forward.

Perform with the other leg.

And don’t forget that riding breeches are fat. Therefore, to combat it you also need to lead an active and healthy lifestyle and eat right.

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