Exercises for pumping up the abs.

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Exercises for pumping up the abs.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful and flat stomach. To do this, it is important not only to work on yourself and perform the exercises suggested below to pump up your abs, but also to eat right, dry yourself and follow a routine. The general work plan looks like this: first you need to build muscle, then go on a diet and remove fat, but at the same time maintaining the accumulated muscle mass. And then you will be happy in the form of embossed cubes, just like those cute guys and girls from the glossy covers...

All exercises to influence the abdominal muscles are divided into the following conditional groups:

  1. to work the lower rectus muscles;
  2. to work the superior rectus muscles;
  3. for obliques and other auxiliary muscle groups of the torso.

They can also be further divided into:

  1. strength – building muscle volume and mass,
  2. for endurance – drying muscles and getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat.

Strength exercises are performed a small number of times, but with the use of large additional weights; they allow you to achieve impressive gains in muscle tissue, but do not eliminate fat. Endurance exercises are done in several approaches and with a large number of times, they strengthen the muscles, make the stomach flat and quite prominent, driving away all the excess from our waist. This is exactly the approach to pumping up abdominal muscles that suits girls.

Isometric, static load.

Static Planck exercise.

A good recipe for pumping up almost all groups of the torso, including the abs, is the plank. It consists in the fact that you need to rest on your elbows and rest your toes on the floor. At first, you can spread your legs slightly to maintain balance, but it is better if your legs are together. The body should be in one line, the buttocks should be retracted, the lower back should not be bent or arched, the stomach should be retracted. You need to hold this static position for 1 minute, and gradually increase the time to at least 3 minutes.

To pump up the lateral muscles, a side plank is performed, which is done in almost the same way, only on one elbow or arm, the other hand can be placed on the belt, or raised up. The legs are placed one on top of the other, the thigh should point clearly upward. The body should be straight.

Cyclic dynamic load.

Twisting can be performed both straight, raising the body, and reverse, raising the legs. Thus, you will work on the upper or lower abs. You can do crunches by lifting your straight or bent legs up to make the task more difficult. Bend one leg and put it on your friend’s knee, put your hands behind your head and reach for the upper knee with the opposite elbow, this will pump up the oblique muscles. For strength training, hold the weights behind your head.

A very effective exercise for pumping up both the upper and lower abs is called the “cuckoo”. It is performed as follows: starting position: legs straight, arms extended upward along the floor. The legs rise straight, move to the side (at this moment the leg muscles also work), the body and arms rise, after which everything returns to the starting position in the reverse order.

“The bicycle” has been known to everyone since childhood, but it is rarely used, but it helps to achieve good results. Lie on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head and alternately reach your right knee to your left elbow and then vice versa. Do not lower your feet to the floor; when leveling them, you need to keep them a few centimeters from the floor and the lower, the better.

Good old scissors for abs

The scissors are designed to pump up the lower muscles. They are performed by wide swings with straight legs. You need to keep them at a height of 10 centimeters from the floor, and swing as quickly and as long as possible.

If you have the opportunity to exercise on a crossbar or press bars, then you can also use them. You just need to lift your legs straight or bent at the knees towards your chest while hanging or supporting your back. To enhance the effect, you can attach weights to your ankles, but this is not recommended for beginners.

If you want to build ripped abs faster, use the slow return technique. It consists in the fact that you carry out all the exercises in the usual rhythm, but return to the original starting position slowly, within 4-10 seconds. This approach is very exhausting, but brings results.

Start, first, by working out your abs 2-3 times a week, little by little the number of training sessions can be increased up to 4 times. It is important to give your muscles a rest, otherwise you can achieve the opposite result when they simply stop growing. You can alternate the load on different groups of your abdominal muscles, doing them every other day.

Shaped abs will enhance your figure!

Another point that is extremely important is aerobic exercise. If your goal is to get six-pack, then you definitely can’t do without aerobics. Two or three times a week, be sure to run around the stadium or on the track, swim in the pool, pedal a bike or stationary bicycle, hit a punching bag, dance actively... All this starts the much-needed process of burning excess subcutaneous fat in our body. Without completely destroying the fat on your waist, you can’t even dream of getting cubes. So work in an aerobic style, sparing neither time nor effort - this will only benefit you in the overall strategy of developing a sculpted belly.

Watch your diet. Try to eat more proteins and carbohydrates. If you consume fats, they should be vegetable fats or Omega3, Omega6. You need to take food in small portions, the number of such meals should be at least 6 times a day. Good advice: never skip breakfast. You can eat cottage cheese at night, which will help quickly increase muscle mass.

Take a closer look at fat burner sports nutrition products. They will help you “squeeze” all the subcutaneous fat and reduce it to almost absolute zero.

Using these simple tips, you will achieve excellent results in a very short time.