Exercises to pump up your back muscles

Back exercises not only give you a great figure and that coveted V-shape. They are also the best protection against back pain.

Our flaw is the ingenious design. 24 vertebrae, the sacrum and coccyx, as well as 23 intervertebral discs and 133 joints extend down from the head. All this is held together and driven by 224 ligaments and 143 back muscles. Here we show you the best way to train these 143 powerhouses at home.

  1. What muscles make your back strong?
  2. What fitness equipment should I use to strengthen my back muscles?
  3. What are the best back exercises for beginners?
  4. Bent-over row with dumbbells
  5. Lat row with dumbbells
  6. Exercise with bands for the back and abdominal muscles

What muscles make your back strong?

The muscles around the spine can be roughly divided into three layers: The top layer is clearly visible in healthy people because it lies directly under the skin. The muscles go by names such as erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, and teres major. The middle layer includes numerous individual muscle bundles that fan out from vertebral body to vertebral body. These include the serratus and rhomboid muscles. The lower layer consists of short and strong muscles that extend straight, obliquely, or diagonally from vertebral body to vertebral body.

They have names such as multifidus, quadratus lumborum and semispinalis thoracis. They constantly balance our body, even if we don't notice it. For a strong and healthy back, it is important to train all three layers. The abdominal muscles are no less important. Because they take on an auxiliary function in many everyday and sports movements. This is why abdominal strengthening exercises are part of any smart back workout. This is the only way to avoid muscle imbalance.

What fitness equipment should I use to strengthen my back muscles?

There are many very good exercise machines and aids with which you can optimally train your back muscles and all other muscles of the body at home. Dumbbells and resistance bands are best for beginners. With them you can train entire muscle chains in a natural sequence of movements, prevent imbalances and, if necessary, correct them. If you've built a certain foundation in six to eight weeks, you can also work with kettlebells, balance machines, and sandbags. There is a rule: the more varied the training, the more effective it is.

What are the best back exercises for beginners?

Now we will show you four back exercises and two abdominal exercises that are ideal for beginners. Always choose three of them and integrate them into your training. After each back exercise, you train a different muscle group first before performing the next back exercise. If you're training alone, it's good to do it in front of a mirror. This way you can control your movements.

Bent-over row with dumbbells

Works the latissimus dorsi, latissimus hamstrings, biceps and gluteal muscles.

Depending on their level of physical fitness, women hold from one to three kilograms of dumbbells in each hand. Men take from 3 to 5 kg. Bend your knees, extend your butt, and lean your torso straight forward. Hold dumbbells in your arms extended away from your body. From this position, pull the dumbbells up until they touch your upper body. Pause briefly and then lower back down. 3 x 12-15 reps with 60 seconds rest.

 Advice: the same exercise can be done with a barbell. Since this makes it easier to balance the weight, you can add a little more weight.

Lat row with dumbbells

Works the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoid, latissimus dorsi and gluteal muscles.

Pull the fitness band horizontally

Exercise with bands for the back and abdominal muscles

Stand shoulder-width apart with your legs slightly bent and hold the ends of a fitness band of equal length in front of you with your arms slightly bent and taut at chest level. Then extend the fitness band horizontally until it almost touches your chest. Pause briefly and extend your arms again, without releasing the tension completely. 3 x 12-15 reps with 60 seconds rest.

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