Abdominal exercises

Abdominal press exercises will help you get rid of excess fat, improve your posture, strengthen your immune system, improve your overall physical condition, and give your body a beautiful, sexy look.

  1. Raising the body - “Sit-ups”
  2. Hanging leg raises. Lying leg raise
  3. Crunches
  4. Exercises for the abdomen - bending on the upper block while kneeling
  5. How to correctly perform Bends on the upper block?
  6. Side body raises
  7. Side bends with resistance. "Metronome"
  8. Torso rotations
  9. Let's use static methods - Planck exercise!
  10. How to pump up the serratus muscles?
  11. Does a bodybuilder even need a Plank?

Raising the body - “Sit-ups”

Raising the body or in other words “Sit-ups” - one of the leading exercises in fitness and bodybuilding aimed at strengthening and thoroughly working out upper abdominals.

There is simply a huge variety of possible variations of this exercise:

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Hanging leg raises. Lying leg raise

Hanging leg raises, as well as lying leg raises, are another extremely effective muscle training exercise abdominals in fitness and bodybuilding. The main focus of its influence falls lower third of straight lines abdominal muscles.

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Crunches are considered one of the extremely effective exercises for developing and shaping the abdominal muscles in bodybuilding, fitness and bodybuilding. Athletes popularly call this exercise the “frog.” The main focus of its impact is almost the entire area of ​​the rectus abdominis muscles, but to a greater extent - the upper and middle areas.

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Exercises for the abdomen - bending on the upper block while kneeling

Bending on the upper block while kneeling
– probably the only abdominal exercise in fitness and bodybuilding using a block device, focused on developing the abdominal muscles. Nevertheless, it is extremely useful and the effect it produces is simply amazing. Try it! In its work, it uses all parts of the abdominal muscles: and top, And average, And lower parts.

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Side body raises

In bodybuilding, bodybuilding and fitness, side lifts are used for the purpose of more accentuated development of the lateral muscles of the torso. The so-called oblique abdominal muscles are well loaded. At its core, this exercise is something between the “Sit-up” and “Hyperextension”. Performed both on a horizontal and an incline bench.

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Side bends with resistance. "Metronome"

Resistance lateral bending is another bodybuilding and fitness exercise that targets the oblique abdominal muscles. In common parlance, bodybuilders call this exercise “Metronome” due to the similarity of the movements performed.

There are several different variations of this exercise, but the vector of impact is approximately the same for all of them:

  1. With a dumbbell
  2. With a weight
  3. With a barbell

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    Torso rotations

    Torso rotations with weights - another unique exercise for the abdominal press, which carries out a targeted, accentuated effect on oblique muscles Your torso.

    In fitness, athleticism and bodybuilding, there are several options for performing this exercise:

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    Let's use static methods - Planck exercise!

    Many women and girls buy a membership to a gym or fitness club in order to strengthen the muscles of the whole body and, of course, reduce their waist size, without increasing muscle mass and physical strength. However, not all of them know that this can be done without exercise machines and free weights...

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    How to pump up the serratus muscles?

    In pursuit of mass and strength, many novice bodybuilders forget about pumping up small muscle groups, devoting them, at best, to a couple of sluggish exercises at the end of the workout. Not only does this approach violate aesthetics and symmetry, contrary to the very philosophy of bodybuilding, it can threaten serious injuries, because small muscles often perform the most important functions in our body. Therefore, today we will talk about pumping the serratus muscles. Many beginners have never even heard of these, but they exist!

    The serratus anterior muscle, or serratus anterior, is located parallel to the ribs on the side of the chest, facilitating its movement during inspiration. However, its main function is to fix the scapula, which is extremely important for the correct performance of most exercises - from the classic bench press to deadlifts and squats.

    In addition to the visual component - the serratus anterior advantageously separates the latissimus from the oblique abdominal and pectoral muscles - they also have a more significant advantage: belonging to the so-called core muscles, the serratus muscles play an important role in the formation of correct posture, and protect the spine during axial loads.

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    Does a bodybuilder even need a Plank?

    There is a myth that static exercises are not for bodybuilders! Because a real heavyweight must lift heavy weights, and at the maximum possible amplitude with an impressive number of repetitions, and not, simply frozen, maintain some kind of ridiculous fixed pose...

    But really, how many athletes have you seen in the gym who would stand for a long time, say, in a squat with their backs against the wall? I’ve never seen anything like this...  Perhaps it’s all because people try to make the most of the infrastructure of a fitness center or gym, and therefore work with the equipment available here... And you can work out statics in your free time at home... I think , Yes! This is precisely the reason. Since we’re already in the gym, we’ll lift dumbbells and barbells, work on the machines, since we paid. Let's leave the static for homework...

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