I choose - health fitness! And you…?

The concept of health fitness combines various types of physical activity: swimming, walking, running, gymnastics, Pilates, yoga and much more. Due to the passive lifestyle of our population, such activities are very useful and their popularity is increasing day by day.

Benefits from classes and results:

  1. prevention of common diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, poor posture. Those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from a stroke or heart attack.
  2. a person has better control of his body due to awareness of his physical form;
  3. improved coordination, reaction and dexterity;
  4. improved mood due to increased production of endorphins;
  5. It has been proven that trained and healthy people have a much longer life expectancy.

Health fitness involves a medium to low level of intensity.

By exercising regularly, the functioning of various systems in the body improves. In addition, the body’s ability to adapt to external adverse factors increases.

When playing sports, it is important to correctly calculate the load. After all, if you do exercises that do not correspond to the physical capabilities of the body, this will lead to bad consequences. Be sure to consult with your instructor regarding your chosen training program. It is also not recommended to start exercising without visiting a doctor. After all, you may have contraindications for certain types of physical work.

You can do the training yourself under the supervision of a trainer or on your own.

Low-intensity health fitness is recommended for older people, children, and people recovering from injuries. It helps keep the body in good physical shape without excessive effort.

Children who perform a special set of exercises become more flexible and flexible. Their muscles become stronger and their endurance increases. Children like classes if they are fun and dynamic.

If you have no contraindications, you can choose a high level of intensity for yourself.

During classes, it is advisable to follow the following simple rules:

  1. Eat food two hours before training. The diet should contain proteins and complex carbohydrates.
  2. Start each session with a thorough warm-up and warm-up. This will help you avoid possible sports injuries.
  3. Allocate at least 25% of your training time to cardio training and aerobic exercise - this is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. If you are thirsty during exercise, drink water in small sips. After an hour of exercise, the body becomes severely dehydrated: this can make you feel tired or even cramp. A sign that you have lost a lot of fluid is profuse sweating. On the other hand, it promotes the process of losing weight.
  5. If your health workout takes place early in the morning, do not exercise on an empty stomach. Drink at least a glass of milk or juice.
  6. 15 minutes after exercise, have a small snack. And after 1-2 hours you can have a thorough meal.
  7. Breathe through your nose while exercising. This allows the heart rate to stabilize.
  8. Vary the types of exercises to increase their effectiveness.
  9. At the end of the session, do a cool-down and stretching exercises.
  10. Don't skip workouts.
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