Bench press

The bench press is one of the main exercises aimed at building the toe and volume of the chest muscles, especially in the lower and outer areas. The grip width in this exercise varies: from the maximum possible (then the emphasis is on stretching the pectoral muscle directly); to shoulder width (in this case, the triceps will take on the bulk of the load, which is undesirable).

The most optimal is a medium grip (10-20 cm more than shoulder width on both sides). The widest grip is used to achieve maximum thickness of the outer part of the muscle. As the width decreases, the emphasis of the effect shifts to the inside of the chest. Try to lower the bar to the level of your collarbones. To maximize the impact on the chest muscles, it is recommended to perform the exercise on an inclined bench slightly elevated above the horizontal level. In this position, the bench press will be performed exclusively by the chest muscles, and in addition, this technique will allow you to pump up your muscles in a shorter period of time and with less heavy weight. Remember to keep your knees bent. Don't arch your back.

Make sure to maintain the correct position and movement of your elbows as you perform. It should be directed in a plane perpendicular to the body body. In other words, when moving, your elbows should go to the sides, not down! This is a very important point. Follow the correct breathing technique: exhale when squeezing, inhale when lowering. Many bodybuilders also practice the method of holding the movement for 1-2 seconds at the lowest point. But remember: you can’t hold your breath! Do no harm is our main principle!

Young athletes are recommended to do exclusively bench presses from a horizontal bench - forget about up and down slopes for now - this is for seasoned bodybuilders who have already managed to develop decent muscle volumes on their chest. You don't need it yet! Your task is to focus on the middle area, because it is this that forms the entire overall appearance of the breast; read more about this in a comprehensive article.

  1. Scheme "correct bench press"
  2. Correct bench press technique, execution options:
  3. Close grip bench press:

Scheme "correct bench press"

Correct bench press technique, execution options:

Close grip bench press:

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