Zumba fitness and new trends in “iron sports”.

It would seem that everything has already been known for a long time. The wheel has long been invented. And what else can the modern sports industry surprise us with - but really nothing! A barbell is also a barbell in Africa. And manufacturers of exercise machines have probably already exhausted all their imagination... Oh, no! Despite all this, new trends are emerging in our favorite iron sport. Moreover, where it would seem that something cannot appear...

This article will tell you about one of these new products. You will learn what Zumba fitness is. Yes Yes! You heard right. This is the name of the revolutionary direction of “iron sports”, which is gaining popularity around the world...

It happens that a person seems to be active, but cannot choose a specific sport for himself. Often, this is due to the fact that the training process seems to him a monotonous, routine, monotonous task. Nevertheless, a person understands that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and that being friends with sports is useful. How to get rid of routine and make your training rich and varied? There is a great option for this - Zumba fitness. Next we will tell you in detail what it is...

In short, Zumba fitness is a kind of symbiosis of fitness and dance. If you love to dance, then you will definitely like this modern trend. Zumba will be an excellent option for training and keeping your body muscles toned. And in addition to active training, it gives you a fun time and a great mood.

Such fitness training is gaining popularity in the USA and European countries. There, Zumba has long been included in the basic program of most sports centers, fitness clubs and dance studios. And all because this type of training has an extremely positive physical effect on our body, and also powerfully charges people with positive energy. Try it and you won't regret it!

  1. The birth of Zumba fitness.
  2. What is the key difference between Zumba and other dance and fitness trends?
  3. We will describe several main areas of Zumba:

How exactly did Zumba appear? Its origin is attributed to the nineties of the last century. So, by and large, this is not such a new thing. The country of Colombia is considered the birthplace of Zumba fitness. Even the founder of Zumba is known, his name is Alberto Perez. This well-known fitness trainer in Colombia actually combined Latin dance elements and classical sports exercises in one workout, aimed at working out the muscles and physically strengthening the athlete’s body. Subsequently, the direction gained simply deafening popularity around the world. Alberto Perez has become a cult figure, much like the Vader brothers and bodybuilding and fitness stars. Many popular personalities work with him. For example, everyone knows about Alberto’s fruitful long-term collaboration with Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Timberlake and many other pop idols...

At the stage of formation of Zumba fitness, its founders - the first instructors used only Latin American movements. This is due to territorial factors. But as this fitness phenomenon marched victoriously across the planet, it began to incorporate elements and designs from other dance styles. The most iconic are hip-hop, ballet and others...

What is the key difference between Zumba and other dance and fitness trends?

The most important thing to draw your attention to is that Zumba is a purely cardio workout, so it will be effective for people who want to lose excess weight. It will also help give your muscles the necessary tone and create an athletic silhouette. Many famous bodybuilders use this direction at the drying stage to effectively get rid of subcutaneous fat.

For a beginner, it may seem that Zumba training is all about learning dance moves. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, everything is much deeper. In fact, the dance rhythm includes all kinds of physical exercises, which contain a whole range of movements aimed at working out all muscle groups of the human body.

At the beginning of the training, the movements themselves are studied, which are then carried out in the right rhythm to beautiful music. Consistently, a person switches from one element to another. All this is done collectively, which ensures that the lesson is carried out at a fun, energetic pace. A Zumba fitness class is similar to a dance lesson, which is carried out cheerfully and naturally by a close-knit and friendly group of like-minded people...

In turn, Zumba has a whole list of varieties:

We will describe several main areas of Zumba:

  1. Classic. This type of Zumba proceeds exclusively to the melodies of Latin American songs and contains classic elements of samba, rumba, salsa and other Latin dances.
  2. Continental. This version of Zumba also contains dance movements, but it is adapted to a certain continental society. This includes other dance styles, such as: break, hip-hop, go-go, etc. In fact, everything depends on the social environment where the activity takes place.
    The main task of the instructor is to set a positive mood for the team members with whom he conducts the lesson. That is why he constantly makes adjustments to the musical accompaniment to maintain the desired dance rhythm...
  3. Tonus-Zumba. This variety is aimed at increased intensity and at sculpting an athlete's figure by burning as many calories as possible. That is why the main emphasis here is on hard and high-intensity physical work of the group. It is also actively practiced to complicate the training by adding special sports equipment aimed at increasing the load:

    1. working with dumbbells;
    2. working with rubber shock absorbers and expanders.
    3. work in special weighted cuffs worn on the athlete’s wrists or shins.
    4. working in weight vests, special suits with additional electrical effects on the muscles, suits with a sauna effect and other special devices...
  4. Aqua Zumba. Judging by the name, it is clear that this variation of Zumba is associated with water. Group training takes place in the pool. This option is suitable for those individuals who strive to achieve greater results, but initially do not have sufficient physical strength for classical classes. This category includes overweight people, elderly people, pregnant women, as well as all those who have problems with the joints and spine. After all, serious physical activity is contraindicated for such people. And training in water is exactly what is needed in such a situation.
  5. Tonic-Zumba. This direction was created specifically for children. And the basic movements are adapted by sports medicine experts to suit children's age capabilities. Often, classes take place in a playful way, sometimes specifically with parents (to better involve children in the training process), with specially selected musical accompaniment that the children will like, and thereby make the lesson even more fun and, as a result, productive.

Now you know what Zumba fitness is, which means you are one step closer to achieving your goal - to make your body perfect in every sense of the word. This is what we wish for you with all our hearts!

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