7 ways to get rid of winter depression

  1. Light therapy

Turn on as many bright lamps as possible at home and at work. Use dawn lights with a timer. Light therapy inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for bad mood.

  1. Wear light-colored clothes

On gloomy days, dress in light colors. Let there be more bright colors in your life. Hang paintings of summer landscapes at home.

  1. Use aromatherapy

The aromas of citrus, coffee, pine - all this will improve your mood. Use aroma lamps and aroma oils.

  1. Communicate with loved ones

Share your problems with those who will understand you. This will help understand the causes of depression.

  1. Practice meditation

10 minutes a day of meditation will relieve stress and irritability. Try to live in the present without returning to past troubles.

  1. Move more

Walk, even if it's hard. Physical activity fights depression.

  1. Eat right

Eat foods with vitamins and Omega-3. This stabilizes the emotional state.

Don't forget to please yourself with little things in difficult moments. And remember - winter is not eternal, the long-awaited spring will come soon!