Benefits of avocado: properties for beauty and health

Avocado is a product that many people adore, but there are also those who cannot see or hear it. However, if you try and love avocado, you can enjoy many of its health and beauty benefits. In this article we will talk in detail about the benefits of avocados.

Avocado is widely used in cooking, and not only for making salads. You can use it to prepare various sauces and desserts. We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting avocado dishes.

Avocado is the fruit of the Persea americana plant, which is also called the “alligator pear.” By the way, avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. The peculiarity of its fruits is that they can ripen after being picked from the tree. This rare property, in addition to avocados, is also characteristic of bananas.

Health Benefits:

  1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Avocado contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help improve concentration and memory, and also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Improves heart function

Potassium contained in avocado promotes proper heart function, normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body and increases resistance to stress.

  1. Reduces blood pressure

Avocado lowers blood pressure and is indicated for people with hypertension.

  1. Prevents anemia

Copper, which is part of avocado, prevents anemia (anemia), and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in the formation of red blood cells.

  1. Helps with constipation

Avocado helps relieve constipation due to its high dietary fiber content.

  1. Prevents the formation of “plaques” in blood vessels

Oleic acid contained in avocados decomposes excess cholesterol in the blood and prevents the appearance of “plaques” in blood vessels.

  1. Promotes weight loss

Despite its high calorie content (245 kcal per 100 g) and fat content, avocado is considered a dietary product. The monounsaturated fats found in avocados keep your blood sugar levels in check and reduce bad cholesterol levels, which speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight.

Avocado for beauty:

  1. Rejuvenates the skin

Avocado has a rejuvenating effect on the skin due to its high content of vitamins E and C, which are powerful antioxidants. They protect the skin from free radicals, which lead to skin aging, and contribute to its firmness and elasticity.

  1. Strengthens hair

Avocado contains biotin, which strengthens hair and stimulates its growth. Vitamin E, also found in avocados, improves blood circulation in the scalp, which also promotes hair growth.

  1. Softens and moisturizes the skin

Avocado oil perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin due to its high content of linoleic and oleic acids, which help restore the natural balance of skin oiliness.

  1. Improves nail condition

The rich composition of avocado, including vitamin E, calcium and biotin, improves the condition of nails, making them strong and healthy.

Avocado recipes:

  1. Guacamole

Guacamole is an avocado sauce that's perfect for salads, appetizers, or burgers.


  1. 2 ripe avocados
  2. 1 onion
  3. 2 tomatoes
  4. 1 green pepper
  5. 1 lemon
  6. 1 clove of garlic
  7. Salt and pepper to taste

Chop the avocado, onion, tomatoes and peppers. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it to the vegetable mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste and stir. Ready!

  1. Avocado and shrimp salad

This salad is tasty and healthy, ideal for lunch or dinner.


  1. 2 ripe avocados
  2. 200 g shrimp
  3. 1 cucumber
  4. 1 tomato
  5. 1 lemon
  6. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  7. Salt and pepper to taste

Slice the avocado, cucumber and tomatoes. Peel the shrimp and boil them in salted water. Squeeze lemon juice and add to vegetable mixture. Add olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and stir. Garnish the finished salad with shrimp.

  1. Avocado toast

Avocado toast is a simple and delicious dish that can be made for breakfast or a light snack.


  1. 2 slices of bread
  2. 1 ripe avocado
  3. 1 egg
  4. Salt and pepper to taste

Slice the avocado and mash it with a fork. Bake toast and spread on