We take a nose clip and earplugs to the pool

What does a bodybuilder need after a good workout in the gym?

  1. sufficient nutrition and proteins in the required volume, as building materials for overcompensation and the creation of new muscle cells,
  2. long rest and sleep for full recovery,
  3. massage, self-massage, bath, sauna, that is, in other words: special means that accelerate the recovery process and its quality.
  4. and, of course, active recreation in all its variations:

    1. jogging,
    2. Biking,
    3. team ball games,
    4. forest trips and walks,
    5. swimming in the pool.

Of course, there are a lot of them, and it’s impossible to count them all, but I would like to dwell on the last variation in more detail, because it is this that will be discussed in this article...

Or rather, not about herself, but about a sports accessory associated with her...

  1. If you swim like an amateur: with your head held high, and try under no circumstances to submerge it below the water level, then these accessories have absolutely no use for you, and you may not read everything that is written here for much longer...
  2. If you are trying to swim as professionally as possible, like real swimmers, these things can be very useful to you.

Silicone earplugs and a nose clip are special accessories for swimming in the pool, preventing water from entering the ears and sinuses, respectively. The fact is that a real swimmer always keeps his head not above the water, but under the water. At the same time, he constantly rotates it back and forth, inhaling alternately from the left, then from the right. It is at the moments of such turns that water gets into the ear, if it is not protected by silicone earplugs, causing unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations. Also, at the moment of the turn, when the athlete actually does a somersault under water, if his nose is not covered with a silicone clip, he may swallow a little water, which, naturally, knocks him out of the working rut.

It would also not be superfluous to note that, for example, representatives of synchronized swimming wear these sports accessories without fail. Without this there is absolutely no way.

Personally, when I go to the pool regularly, I always take my silicone swimming earplugs with me. Without them, I generally don’t feel comfortable, and I can’t normally give 100% in my training. But I personally don’t have a nose clip, because I don’t use a complex underwater turn in my swimming - I’m still not a professional swimmer , but a bodybuilder. And quite intense swimming of one or two kilometers per hour of my training in the pool is enough for me.

Swimming is a great aerobic exercise for my heart and respiratory and circulatory system. In addition, by working on yourself, you can enroll your child in the section. Swimming is also a great pleasure that I give myself every weekend, and I actually recommend it to you too!

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