Celebrity fitness: a body like Heidi Klum. Video

No greetings! In this article we will look at a training program that will help you achieve a body like Heidi Klum - one of the most famous top models in the world. This workout was created by her personal trainer Andrea Orbeck, and consists of three main exercises.

Exercise #1: For this exercise you will need an elastic fitness band. Wear it slightly above your knees and stand straight. Bend one leg slightly at the knee and take it back. Then start raising and lowering your leg up and down. Repeat the exercise 25-30 times and then change legs.

Exercise #2: Leave the bandage on your legs and keep your arms in front of you. Do a partial squat and alternately raise your legs back. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times.

These two exercises work your hips and buttocks very effectively. Andrea says that if you do these exercises every day for two weeks, you will lose up to five centimeters in your thighs and get a toned and firm buttock.

Exercise #3: Holding your hands in front of you, clasp your palms together as if you were hugging a ball. Then begin to slowly spread your arms out to the sides as if you are flying. Repeat the exercise 40-45 times. This exercise will help strengthen your back muscles and create a royal posture.

In addition to these exercises, Heidi Klum also does cardio and watches her diet. She prefers a healthy and balanced diet, including lots of vegetables, fruits and protein foods.

If you want to achieve a body like Heidi Klum, incorporate these exercises into your workout routine and watch your diet. The results won't take long to arrive!