Celebrity fitness: buttocks like Lady Gaga. Video

Celebrity fitness: buttocks like Lady Gaga. Video.

Lady Gaga is known for her extravagant outfits and sexy style of expression. However, to maintain her shape and firm butt, she follows a strict workout regimen. Her personal trainer, Harley Pasternak, shared her fitness secrets and demonstrated several exercises that will help her get the desired result.

The first exercise is squats with leg extensions. To perform this exercise, you need to do squats, alternately stretching your right leg back to the left corner, and your left leg to the right. It is important not to touch the floor with your bent knee to reduce the load on the other knee. You need to keep your back straight. Do 30 times on each leg.

The second exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. You need to take two dumbbells, straighten your back and lean slightly forward, knees slightly bent, arms with dumbbells down. Raise and lower your body, keeping your posture straight. It is important to feel that it is the muscles of the buttocks and not the back that are working. Repeat 20 times in 2-3 sets.

The third exercise is raising your arms and legs on your stomach. Lie on your stomach, arms extended forward, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms and legs, trying to raise them as high as possible. This exercise will help train the muscles of the buttocks and back, and is also good for the lower back. Repeat 20 times in 2-3 sets.

When performing these exercises, it is important to ensure proper technique and not overexert your muscles. Start with fewer repetitions and gradually increase them. Regular training is the key to success. Combine exercises with cardio training to get maximum benefits. Work out to have butts like Lady Gaga and feel confident and attractive.

You can watch a demonstration of exercises from Harley Pasternak in the video below.