Diet: how to lose weight after the New Year

New Year's and Christmas feasts rarely pass without a trace for anyone. According to statistics, women gain an average of 2-5 kg ​​during 2 weeks of winter celebrations. However, a combination of proper nutrition with beauty treatments and fitness training will help you get rid of the “New Year’s kilograms” by Valentine’s Day.

Almost every woman wants to lose weight after the New Year holidays. However, you need to be careful when getting rid of what you ate during the New Year holidays. A sudden change in diet can cause significant harm to your health.

To lose weight after the New Year, and most importantly, to ensure that the gained kilograms leave you forever, it is important to establish your proper nutrition. Food should be a source of energy, not a pastime or a reason to meet with friends.

Have 4-5 meals a day. Traditionally, the most “basic” are breakfast, lunch and, accordingly, dinner. To lose weight faster, divide your dinner into 2 parts - eat one at about 17:00, and the second immediately after you finish your day's activities or return home from work. Such a strategy will save you from overeating in the evening, and will be much more effective than any volitional decisions, such as not eating after 18:00.

Adhere to the following diet plan:

For breakfast: 200 grams of any porridge with water, a glass of kefir or 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat cottage cheese, a teaspoon of cane sugar or honey, if you can’t live without sweets.

Morning snack: orange, apple, any other fruit rich in pectin, 7-8 almonds.

Lunch: a portion of soup with vegetable broth or vegetable salad with a minimum of oil, a portion of fish, meat or poultry without sprinkles or breading. You can even eat steamed cutlets.

First part of dinner: some dried fruit or a muesli bar. If you are more drawn to salty foods, you can eat Chechil cheese (a fibrous cheese in the form of a braid), which contains some salt and is an excellent source of protein.

Second part of dinner: a portion of fish, meat, poultry, egg whites, shrimp, a glass of kefir or a little cottage cheese. You can add chopped vegetables or salad. 20 minutes before dinner you need to eat one handful of crispy bran with water.

Strive to drink enough fluids - approximately 2 liters of clean water per day, unless there are edema or medical contraindications. Try to salt your dishes less, drink no more than 2 cups of black coffee a day.