Grinspan-Fonnesiu Method

The Greenspan - Fonnese Method is a unique approach to stress management developed by American doctors Judith Gundner Greenspan and Luigi Fonnese. It aims to help people manage their emotions and live healthier, happier lives.

The history of the Greenspan-Fonneseux method begins in 1972, when physician Judith Greenspan first introduced this technology in her book “Stress Less,” and then, at his suggestion, other specialists began to use it in medical practice. The method is a stress management pathway using medical and physiological science to eliminate stress and promote good health.

The Greenspan-Fonnezu method is very simple and can be used by anyone without the need for special training or education in the field of psychology. But it is important to understand that it is not a magic recipe that will get rid of all problems, and it will not turn you into a new person. The essence of the method is to teach the ability to control oneself, cope